... splatterladder is watching you!
Mr. Hopper!
played on Servers: 5
Damn, I'm good!
best map rating: 29.99
super minister in river_port
Call me god!
best overall rating: 30.81
U don't have a woman?
most time played: 8 hrs
The best place
Teuthis - 22 days 5 hours 20 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 22 days 16 hours 22 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
bugs - 23 days 6 hours 44 minutes agoFrohes Neues!
Teuthis - 24 days 6 hours 52 minutes ago@$mart assuming I quickly make another goldrush version, do have someone who can do the waypoints?
Teuthis - 25 days 50 minutes ago…since clans prefer playing the 20 yr old graphic settings, I can’t make a new goldrush map
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*** NEWS *** NEWS *** NEWS *** NEWS *** NEWS *** News filter
Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 09 2009 at 18:03

A new nightly build of ETpub was released.
Should work on any distro.


--> ETpub 0.9.0 Nightly (2009-01-12)

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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 09 2009 at 17:50

Jaymod 2.1.8 has been released. This is from the experimental branch and is considered beta quality.


--> Jaymod 2.1.8 (Beta)

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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 09 2009 at 17:35

thunderpwn made a few replacements for the sniper rifles.


Replaces the axis sniper rifle.

--> Download here


Replaces the allied sniper rifle.

--> Download here

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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 09 2009 at 17:16

"The game once again pits you as American Army ranger BJ Blazkowicz against a whole passel of Nazis for some first-person shooter mayhem. This time around, major plot elements of sci-fi and occult black magic keep this game from reminding you of Call of Duty: World at War. “When you take into account the science fiction and the mysticism, calling Wolfenstein a good WWII game is like calling the original Indiana Jones a great WWII movie."

Read the review here:

--> Review @ G4

Thanks: Planet Wolfenstein

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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 08 2009 at 17:10

Allies and Axis just have to kick eachothers asses and make as many frags as possible.
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 08 2009 at 17:07


The team of East Front is really fast in fixing bugs, improvements and adding new things to their total convertion. Alpha 0.7 is released!


--> East Front (Alpha 0.7 - Full Version)

Remember to set Hunkmegs to 192 or more if needed! (minimum 128).

There are still alot of bugs to be spottet! if you see a bug then please report it at our homepage: EastFront.co.nr


  • Fixed tank turret and barrel movement and positions.
  • Fixed artillery code.
  • Added BT7 russian light tank.
  • Added artillery to fueldump supremacy map.
  • AI pathfinding fixes.
  • Fixed an NPC crash bug.
  • Reduced CPU usage of server code.
  • Improvements for AI pathfinding multithreading code.
  • Misc AI fixes.
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 07 2009 at 17:25

thunderpwn made two skinsets to turn ET into the war in Iraq.


--> War against Terror
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 06 2009 at 19:07

"Blazkowicz is undercover on a Nazi ship when he slips on an admiral's jacket and finds a strange amulet in the pocket. In a moment of fear -- which wasn't shown tonight -- Blazkowicz wields the true power of the medallion; a power known as the Veil. Now, the Veil is another dimension that's existing on top of our own and can't be seen by the likes of you and me. When Blazkowicz activates the Veil -- the amulet is in the lower left corner of the screen and has a meter showing how much juice the dimensional wormhole has -- the screen turns to a creepy shade of blue, things start floating around, and little creatures can be seen by our hero. Of course, these effects aren't all purely eye candy; with the medallion activated, Blazkowicz can slow down time and scream around the stage waxing bad guys who are now brightly colored."

Read the preview here:

--> Preview @ IGN

Thanks: Planet Wolfenstein

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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, Jul 02 2007 at 00:41

The sl.GameLauncher is available in a new version (0.8.1), which now supports ET:QW.
You will recieve the update automatically during the next days and those who cannot wait should use the manual update-procedure. So now you can join QW-server as you were used to connect to ET-server. Oh, yes, almost we forgot about this: We now have our official Enemy Territory:Quake Wars part on splatterladder which you can reach either directly with the game-selection up right or with this https://etqw.splatterladder.com link. There you will find a server-list and the well known features, like buddy-list and direct-connect from the website. Addtionally we have created descriptions of classes, vehicles and objectives. Because we entered some skinny you should take a look! (Translation is still in progress)

The sl.-Team wishes you a lot of fun with the QuakeWars-part and maybe we will meet on some server of the open beta
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 04 2009 at 11:49

Continuing where the previous Breakout left off, the Allies must fight their way through surrounding Axis forces and to freedom.


  • Axis barracks spawn given extra routes out, to prevent spawners from being mown down by tank MG at tunnel.
  • Axis barracks spawn and bunker spawn doors given glass panels.

Objectives and Gameplay:

Allies must escort the tank to the exit rail tunnel to win, starting at a disused mine and then along the railway track to the station.

Axis will try to dynamite the footbridge over the railway to block the tank. If they do, Allies must dynamite the wreckage to clear the path.

At the station the Allies must then build a ramp to lift the tank off the rail track and into the station courtyard. Axis can construct a tank barrier just beyond this, so these objectives are fought over at the same time.

Once past the barrier the tank must go through the tunnel under the railway. Axis will try to dynamite the tunnel to block the road. If successful, Allies must dynamite the rubble to clear the way.

The road then leads into the Axis bunker - Allies must escort the tank through the bunker and out the other side.
The final chance for the Axis to block the tank is a desperate measure - they can destroy their own overhead bunker control room, so that the debris blocks the bunker exit. But this damages and buries the Axis CP located there.

If the bunker control room is destroyed, the Allies have to dynamite the debris to clear the path. This also clears the rubble from the Axis CP, allowing it to be rebuilt.

Finally the tank gets back onto the rail tracks and can escape through the exit railway tunnel.

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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 04 2009 at 11:43

Chartwell, England, 1943. Axis have launched a surprise paratroop attack on Chartwell, the home of Winston Churchill, to steal the plans for the D-Day invasion.

This is a small map of 20 mins duration, centred on the Axis attempts to enter the house and obtain the plans, best for 6-16 players per team.


  • Fixed the exploit in which docs could be taken from the closed safe.
  • Added ammo supply in outbuilding.
  • Made the fire in the chimney hotter.


Axis initially spawn at a building nearby, but they can quickly enable their paratroopers to attack by damaging the AA gun or the AA gun controls. With either of these out of action, the Axis spawn location is randomly changed to any location on the map for each Axis respawn. This allows the Axis team to attack from potentially any direction.

Allies need to repair both in order to force the Axis back to the original spawn.

The main Allied spawn is in the basement. There is an Allied-only flag in the pavilion, which if captured gives the Allies the option of spawning outside the house.

To get into the house, Axis must either dynamite the main entrance (non-repairable) or satchel either of the stairwell doors (repairable).

The Key must be taken from the ground floor dining room to the safe in the top floor study. To get into the study either of its doors must have been destroyed (one by dyna, one by satchel, both non-repairable).

On delivering the Key to the safe, the safe door opens and the Plans can be stolen. They must be taken to the Command Post in the grounds, and the Command Post built to secure an Axis victory.

Although all of the windows visible in picture 3 can be broken, getting out of the house with the Plans is a little trickier than it seems, as the broken windows are too narrow to jump through.

In this map Axis Cov Ops can set booby traps at the AA gun and AA gun controls in an effort to safeguard the paratroop attack from interruption. The booby traps are detonated if an unwary allied soldier touches the faint translucent white bar that reveals their presence. Allied Cov Ops can defuse the booby traps.

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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 03 2009 at 13:08

'Capture' is a tool for movie makers. It executes the config, captures screenshots and the sound.
The downloadfile includes a version for ET and for RtCW.


--> Capture 1.1


  • What it does is produce a series of cfgs, from a list of demos, with a frag frame time added for each demo, which allows the cl_avidemo command to be started at the correct time.
  • You then run the script via a bat file, which loads up ET starts your first demo and then fast forwards until the specified frame time. It then captures until the designated stop time. Afterwards it will load the next demo, and repeat the process.
  • The tool is designed to work only with image.exe, as image.exe allows unlimited screenshots, and organises them for you into time and dated folders.
  • The point of the program is to eliminate the boring process of waiting to capture screenshots from your demos, as once youve set up the tool, u can leave your PC on over night and have all your screenshots ready to make your clips.
  • Place the program in your ET root directory
  • global offset - this is the time in frames (1000 ~ 1 second), the script will start recording before your frag and stop recording after it.
  • timescale - the fastforward speed between demos (advised to use vid_restart feature in Capture 1.1 if you use a high timescale here).
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 01 2009 at 08:24

Axis developed a serum wich will get them substantial advantage during further war.Therefore Allies need to conquer the serum to investigate it and obviate the Axis soon advantage.

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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 01 2009 at 08:13

The purpose of this program is the minimizing of games. This program minimizes all games that allow to be minimized using OpenGL, DirectX 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

Download & Info:

--> Minimizor 1.8

Tested Games:

RtCW, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Quake 2, Quake 3 - Challenge, Quake 3 - Arena, Quake 4, QuakeLive, UT2004, UT3, CoD1, CoD1 - United Offensive, CoD2, CoD4, Doom 3, F.E.A.R., Warsow, MoH:AA, WoW, Rose Online, HL1 /HL2 Engine games (CS, CS:S, TF2, etc), Civ 4, Starwars Jedi Academic, Battlefield 2, Stalker


  • You can change the Shortcut for minimizing.
  • You can set 1 to 3 keys for minimizing.
  • Automatic startup at windows.
  • Automatic switches to the right game when minimizing.
  • Support multiple games.
  • Changes screen to desktop resolution when minimized.
  • Cannot start when game is running.
  • Cannot close when game is running.
  • Now and then checks for new version on start up.
  • Change windows gamma and reset gamma on game crash.
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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, Jun 23 2007 at 20:09


house of pain *Trick Jump Contest

14.07.2007 - 15.07.2007

The house of pain Trickjump Crew will organize a Trickjump Contest from 14.07.2007 till 15.07.2007 these Year.

The maximum number of players is 16. It's possible to join the contest with one, two or more members of one clan, but every body should jump alone. The map will be Kob Trickjump ( https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=578 ) . There are 21 realjumps and a little Gammajump. It will "only" give graphic awards as price because Fun is our opinion. You can place these Awards on your Clanhomepage, use it in signatures or other.

News and other stuff -> https://contest.hackyd.de You will find the register Topic there too.

have a lot of fun !
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