... splatterladder is watching you!
Mr. Hopper!
played on Servers: 4
Damn, I'm good!
best map rating: 32.79
.SSJ Maro. in Siwa Oasis o...
Call me god!
best overall rating: 33.12
.SSJ Maro.
U don't have a woman?
most time played: 7.1 hrs
The best place
Teuthis - 23 days 21 hours 2 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 24 days 8 hours 4 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
bugs - 24 days 22 hours 26 minutes agoFrohes Neues!
Teuthis - 25 days 22 hours 34 minutes ago@$mart assuming I quickly make another goldrush version, do have someone who can do the waypoints?
Teuthis - 26 days 16 hours 32 minutes ago…since clans prefer playing the 20 yr old graphic settings, I can’t make a new goldrush map
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 19 2011 at 18:21

ImageImage=KT=49 HD Movie - Catsponge hat von dem taglich spielenden RtCW-Verteranen schöne Momente zusammengefasst. Der HD Film hat eine gute Qualität und spiegelt den Spaß wieder, den den die Spieler auf dem KT-Server immer haben.

Dieses mal spezial...
erstmalig mit RtCW Bloom Lichteffekten, stark modifizierten Map-Texturen, einigen PF-Kills, kuriosen Momentaufnahmen und vielen Pech- und Glücks-Szenen.
Image=KT=49 HD Movie - Catsponge has summarized funny scenes of the daily playing RtCW-Veterans. The HD film has a good quality and reflects the fun the people on the KT-Server having always.

This special... to be first with RtCW bloom lights effects, strongly modified map-textures, few PF-Kills, funky moments and many bad and luck scenes.
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 14 2011 at 18:48

ImageImageBaserace Server Pack (jetzt Beta 2.32) von Micha! - Ein alles-in-einem BaseRace Mappack für ETPro 3.2.6 Server (scoreboard.lua/mapscripts können auch für andere Mods verwendet werden).
Das Mappack beinhaltet die Maps Baserace, Baserace Desert, Baesrace Winter und enthält auch sämtliche Configs, SLAC Support, Mapscripte und LUA Dateien. Ein Rundumsorglospaket also.

ImageBaserace server pack (now beta 2.32) by Micha! - A baserace all-in-one mappack for ETPro 3.2.6 servers (scoreboard.lua/mapscripts can be used for other mods too).
The mappack contains the maps Baserace, Baserace Desert, Baesrace Winters and also includes all configs, SLAC  support, mapscripts and lua files. An all around careless package.

Changes beta 2.32: Included a auto mapname fix in the lua. It will load the map again and b8 config.

- Baserace 10 on 10 config
- Baserace 8 on 8 config
- Baserace 6 on 6 config
- All configs with SLAC support
- improved mapscripts (announcements has been highlighted <- It was necessary for the lua)
- scoreboard.lua (announces the scores)
- slacstatsaver.lua (xp get saved on slac guid)
- combinedglobal.lua (fixed forcetapout)


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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 13 2011 at 12:14


ImageImageWezelkrozum veröffentlicht seine Partymap Nightclub (Beta), es ist sein Studium-Projekt für Schule und Arbeit gewesen. Die Map ist ein cooler Partyraum mit großer Lichtshow, Nebeleffekten, Scannern und Lasern. Es gibt keine Regeln auf der Map.

ImageWezelkrozum publishes his party map Nightclub (beta), it has been his study project for school and work. The map is a very nice partyroom with a great light show, fog effects, scanners and lasers. Still rules on the map.

PROMOTIONAL VIDEOyoutube-nightclub-movie (It's in HD!)

- brightness: 0.75
- com_hunkmegs: 128
- for music, turn the game music sound on!
Enjoy the party!


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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 11 2011 at 21:41



ImageDer gTh-Clan präsentiert eine Linux OS Version mit integriertem ET! Zitat: Wir freuen uns, das wir am heutigen Tag ETlinuxOS veröffentlichen können. ETlinuxOS ist ein Betriebssystem von ET Spieler für ET Spieler. Dieses OS basiert auf der Linux Distribution Xubuntu. Wir möchten mit ETlinuxOS ET Spieler ansprechen, egal auf sie schon Linux nutzen oder Windowsuser sind, die gerne mal Linux probieren möchten.
Bei ETlinuxOS ist ET schon vorinstalliert. Das bedeutet, nach der Installation des Betriebssystems und des entsprechenden Grafiktreibers ist ET sofort startklar. Einfach das Spiel starten, Profil anlegen und auf einen Server connecten. Alternativ kann man auch seine Lieblingsserver zum Gameserverbrowser  XQF hinzufügen, welcher ebenfalls mit dabei ist und über XQF connecten.

ImageThe gTh-Clan presents a Linux os version with integrated ET! - Quote: We are pleased that we can publish today ETlinuxOS. ETlinuxOS is an operating system from ET players for ET players. This OS is based on the Xubuntu Linux distribution. We want to ETlinuxOS ET players respond, use whatever they have on Linux or Windows users are who like to try Linux want.
In ETlinuxOS ET comes pre-installed. That is, after installing the operating system and of the video driver is ready to go ET. Just start the game and create a profile and connect to a Server. Alternatively, you can also add their favorite server to the Game Server Browser XQF, which is also the team is about and connect XQF.


Standardsoftware bei ETlinuxOS - Software by Default on ETlinuxOS

The Game
Email Client
IRC Client
CD/DVD Brennen
Media Player

Enemy Territory
Firefox 4
Thunar und Nautilus

Fast Download

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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 11 2011 at 21:40


ImageImageVarsovie veröffentlicht die Version Beta 2 von seiner schönen TLR Contest Map TM Jungle.

ImageVarsovie released the next version of his nice TLR contest map TM Jungle (now beta 2).

Axis Objectives: Steal the documents
Allied Objectives : Protect the documents

  DL Jungle b2DL TLR Maps b2
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 08 2011 at 21:10

ImageImageKimi Fragmovie ist ein Kameraverliebtes Filmchen. Es zeigt Spam, Panzer und smg Frags gegen unbekannte Spieler. Das Movie verfolgt gute Ansätze. Zum Thema Musik: gut gewählt, auch passend zum Film an sich. Die Qualität ist nicht Perfekt aber reicht auf alle Fälle.
ImageKimi Fragmovie is an movie with a lot of cams. It show's spam, panzer and smg frags against unknow enemies. It show's basic approaches. Than the music, nice election, nearly perfect for this kind of movie. The quality could be better, but enough to watch it.
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 07 2011 at 22:12


ImageLetztes Jahr ging die Antwerp E-Sports Festival als die best organisierteste Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Lan in die Geschichte ein. Deswegen hatte jeder gedacht das es weiter geht (aller Meinung nach dieses Jahr). Nach langer Zeit ohne Ankündigung gibt es nun eine Antwort auf die Frage ob die AEF stattfinden wird. Leider lautet die Antwort, laut Steven Leunens, nein. Wegen Logistischer schwierigkeiten

Statement Steven Leunens, Gamevibes BVBA:
"To be honest we were very close to organizing an AEF in 2011 and even had extensive support from the City of Antwerp to help promote the event. However, due to problems with the tournament PC's and some other minor factors we are unable to confirm the event. With the timing in mind (just 1,5 month to the event) we had to make a decision and either take a huge risk or cancel the event. Because we love this community and we want to keep doing these events we didn't want to risk everything and thus the decision came to cancel the event. We want to uphold the quality of our events and we like to think we have continiously set the standard higher for events. Hosting this edition would not only be a big financial risk, it would also jeopardize the reputation the Antwerp eSports Festival has built up.

We have every intention of hosting more events, including large Call of Duty events, and the Antwerp eSports Festival will be back in 2012, since it is very unlikely we will face the same logistical problems as this year. We might also be hosting a smaller event later in the year but more on that will be released if and when we can announce it.

If you have any other questions about this, I'm willing to answer all questions via Twitter: Steven Leunens "

ImageLast year saw one of the most cleanly-run Enemy Territory LAN tournaments in the game's history. Since then, everybody has speculated if AEF will feature the game at its next installment (supposedly this year). After months of no announcement, hopes grew thin and questions were starting to be asked. Today, Steven Leunens (dfb) confirmed that the event will, sadly, not go ahead due to some complications in the organisation of PCs and other logistical issues.
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 02 2011 at 18:55

ImageImageVerbesserte StarGate-1945 Version von ProjectX - Die Axenmächte haben das Stargatecenter der Allierten in den Bergen nahe des Coloradorivers infiltriert um dort, das für einen Luftangriff über Hamburg bestimmte, "Naquada" zu stehlen und die Basis so lang zu halten bis sie das benachbarte Stargate im besetzten teil Russlands anwählen können um zu entkommen. Die Allierten haben die Aufgabe das Naquada sicherzustellen und es mit hilfe eines Transporters in sicherheit zu bringen.


- Beleuchtung etwas verbessert. Anderen Sky verwendet. Neues Script hinzugefügt. Terrain ist nun lightmapped. Fehlendes Shader der Glasvitrienen im Labor hizugefügt. Ein par details hizugefügt. Einige Hint Portale zu performance verbesserung eingebaut. Diverse kleine fehler und Sounds gefixt.

ImageEnhanced Version of StarGate-1945 by ProjectX - The Axis have infiltradet the Stargate Center in the Rockys near the Colorado River to steal 2 Boxes of high explosive Naquada which is supposed for an Airstrike over Hamburg (germany). Axis have to hold the base till they can establish a Wormwhole to the other Gate in the infitrated Russia in order to escape. Allies must infiltrate the Stargate Center and secure the Naquada with a Truck.

Optimaced the lightning. Used nother Sky. Added a new Script for the door Lghtmapped the Terrain. Added some hint portals to increase the performance. Added some details. Added the Script for the the "refers" Fixed some other misstakes and sounds.

ImageImageVerbesserte Caen Version von ProjectX - Dies ist eine modifizierte Version von der Map Caen. Der Look der Map und einige Geräusche haben sich geändert. Auch die Optik des Wassers ist geändert worden und wirkt jetzt realistischer.

ImageEnhanced Version of Caen von ProjectX - This is a modified version of caen. The looks have changed throughout the map (map still the same). A few sounds have changed (family guy replaces original sounds). The water has been changed to look more realistic along with the buildings as well.





ImageImageVerbesserte TC-Base Version von ProjectX - Eine OldSchool Map mit neuem Look. Diese Map ist nicht physkalisch, sondern nur graphisch geändert worden. Die Map ist diesselbe wie das Original.


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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 02 2011 at 18:55

ImageImage=KT=Vacant - J7oey hat, von dem taglich spielenden RtCW-Verteranen, Szenen zusammengefasst. Der Film zeigt sehr viel Splash und spiegelt den Spaß wieder, den den die Spieler auf dem KT-Server immer haben.

Image=KT=Vacant - J7oey has summarized funny scenes of the daily playing RtCW-Veterans. The film shows many splash and reflects the fun the people on the KT-Server having always.


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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 02 2011 at 18:54


ImageImageFirefly veröffentlicht eine Beta 2 Version von seiner schönen Map Pirates - Karibik, Juni 1943. Die Achsenmächte beschützen zwei goldene Kisten in einem alten Seeräuberschiff. Die Alliierten müssen Zugang zum Seehafen gewinnen, beide Kisten vom Seeräuberschiff stehlen und zum Fluchtlastkraftwagen bringen.

ImageFirefly released a beta 2 version of his nice map Pirates - The caribbean, June 1943. The Axis are guarding two gold crates inside an old pirate ship. The Allies must gain access to the seaport, Steal both crates from the pirate ship and secure them at the escape truck.


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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 01 2011 at 17:47


ImageImageRtCW Map War Beach (Beta 8) von =KT=555, ist eine extrem modifizeirte Beach Map mit neuen Wegen, Sound, farbenfroher und "heißen" Bildern.

ImageRtCW Map War Beach (Beta 8) by =KT=555, is map beach modify extreme whit new places, sounds, colors and hot pictures.




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Written by RtCW4ever, May 31 2011 at 20:40


ImageTo inform you all about what has happened and what will happen during the next days/weeks. I write a short list to keep the info simple but organized.

1. the server the sl ist hosted at have had a hardwarecrash, that compromitted the database and several stuff
2. the original creators of splatterladder decided to retire from sl and dont invest any further freetime in this project
3. the good news is that the sl will not go down, but will be passed over to schnoog - the admin of the project https://www.wolffiles.de
4. the latest supporters and mods will help schnoog as much as they can and keep the sl alive with support
5. the complete process of passing over the sl will still take some time, also the broken things need to be fixed - this all might still take a while
6. those of you that think they cant wait for sl to reboot and want to move to another project: have fun and thanks for the time you have been with us
I would like to thank Proddi, Rippchen, Erdnussjack, Ragnar 40K, Eck, Binaural, NHLfan and all of the old bunch that allready left us some time ago or leave us now.
At least i want to thank them because i have had contact here with them in the past. Without those people sl would never have been such a great project.
They have been hated back in the past by many but loved by even more. Lets keep em in mind with good ol memories.
I dunno what else should be said, but all of you have the chance to say goodbye and share your meanings for the future.

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Written by RtCW4ever, May 31 2011 at 20:39


ImageImageLet´s Play... heisst sein Motto. rAzer erstellt YouTube-Movies von Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Die Singleplayer Movies zeigen später den kompletten Levelumfang und sind dokumentiert. 5 Movies bzw. Levels sind schon Online, die restlichen Folgen noch.

ImageLet's play... is called his Motto. rAzer made YouTube-Movies of Return to Castle Wolfenstein. The Singleplayer Movies show the complete level size later and are documented. 5 Movies or Levels are still already online, the remaining consequences.

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Written by RtCW4ever, May 29 2011 at 20:16

ImageDas Spiel das die Herzen im Eilsturm eroberte feiert nun seinen 8. Geburtstag! Am 29.05.2003 wurde ET von Splash Damage veröffenlticht. Natürlich war das Spiel zuerst als kostenpflichtiges Addon zu Return to Castle Wolfenstein geplant, doch der Singleplayer wurde nicht rechtzeitig fertig. Dadurch haben wir von Activision, id Software und Splash Damage eines der besten kostenlosen Onlinespiele aller Zeiten erhalten.
Trotz des hohen Alters, gehört Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory immer noch zu den beliebtesten Egoshooter-Onlinegames.




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Written by RtCW4ever, May 29 2011 at 12:06


ImageImageDAZ2007 released his ET modification ETGold 2.73 (ETforever) - This is a New Build of Enemy Territory that has new Features. Improved the Rendering Engine and Quake 3 and RtCW maps are works now.

ImageDAZ2007 veröffentlicht seine ET Modifikation ETGold 2.73 (ETforever) - Dies ist ein komplett neuer Aufbau von Enemy Territorry mit neuen Funktionen. Die Render Engine wurde verbessert und Quake 3 und RtCW Maps funktionieren jetzt.


ET Gold 2.73 details:
- Unlocked BSP Versioning, Quake 3 Maps will work with ET
- Improvements to the Console
- Code Alignments
- Fix to an obo bug in the console history recall code
- Fix to (static!) buffer overflow in renderer (from Thilo Schulz)
- Fix the Mouse Getting Stuck in ET when Minimizing or using the Task Manager
- Fix The engine does not truncate oversize servercommands. trap_SendServerCommand() to a client of over 1022 bytes will crash the client.
- Fix typo in the engine RTCW and W:ET engine source at \win32\qgl.c
- Fix wwwdl overflow exploit
- Fix confusion of cgame and renderer entity array bounds (Tr3B)
- Optimise VectorNormalize functionsFix a bug with command/cvar autocompletion


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