... splatterladder is watching you!
Mr. Hopper!
played on Servers: 4
Damn, I'm good!
best map rating: 32.79
.SSJ Maro. in Siwa Oasis o...
Call me god!
best overall rating: 33.12
.SSJ Maro.
U don't have a woman?
most time played: 7.1 hrs
The best place
Teuthis - 23 days 21 hours 25 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 24 days 8 hours 28 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
bugs - 24 days 22 hours 49 minutes agoFrohes Neues!
Teuthis - 25 days 22 hours 57 minutes ago@$mart assuming I quickly make another goldrush version, do have someone who can do the waypoints?
Teuthis - 26 days 16 hours 55 minutes ago…since clans prefer playing the 20 yr old graphic settings, I can’t make a new goldrush map
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Written by Wolffiles, Jul 17 2011 at 14:52


FireFly released the final version of his nice map Pirates.

Background Story:

The caribbean, June 1943

The Axis are guarding two gold crates inside an old pirate ship.
The Allies must gain access to the seaport, Steal both crates from the pirate ship
and secure them at the escape truck.

Test or download the map here

Source: SD forum
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Written by Wolffiles, Jul 15 2011 at 17:21


Objectmap UJE Amsterdam b2 (in the past Volendamned) made by [UJE] Niek - The axis have to escort the tank through the streets of volendam to blow up the bankdoors and to get the secret documents to transmit them. It will not get easy for them because of the narrow streets and the buildings surrounded by water. There are alot of paths in this map also by boat some cruise ships will pass by for escort.

Axis objective:
*Escort the tank to the bank
*Blow up 2 baricades
*Sachel the side door
*Fix commandpost
*Blow up the safe
*steal the secret documents
*Transmit th documents

Allied objective:
*stop the axis tank
*Build baricades
*Build the side door
*Build commandpost
*Protect the bank

Source : rtcw4ever

Test or download the map here
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jul 13 2011 at 18:25

ImageImageObjektivmap UJE Amsterdam b2 (ehemals Volendamned) erstellt von [UJE] Niek - Die Achsenmächte müssen den Panzer durch die Straßen von Volendam begleiten, den Bank-Tresor in die Luft jagen und es schaffen die geheimen Dokumente zu übermitteln. Es wird wegen der, von Wasser umgebenen, schmalen Straßen und der Gebäude für sie nicht leicht. Es sind auch viele Pfade über den Wasserweg mit Booten erreichbar, die in regelmässigen Abständen über das Wasser fahren.
ImageObjectmap UJE Amsterdam b2 (in the past Volendamned) made by [UJE] Niek - The axis have to escort the tank through the streets of volendam to blow up the bankdoors and to get the secret documents to transmit them. It will not get easy for them because of the narrow streets and the buildings surrounded by water. There are alot of paths in this map also by boat some cruise ships will pass by for escort.
Axis objective:
*Escort the tank to the bank
*Blow up 2 baricades
*Sachel the side door
*Fix commandpost
*Blow up the safe
*steal the secret documents
*Transmit th documents

Allied objective:
*stop the axis tank
*Build baricades
*Build the side door
*Build commandpost
*Protect the bank
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jul 13 2011 at 18:24


ImageImageScorpio hat seine neue Capture the Flag Map Ocelotl veröffentlicht.

ImageScorpio has released a new Capture the Flag map.


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Written by RtCW4ever, Jul 13 2011 at 18:23


ImageImage-|PS|-N3crom@nc3r hat seine neue, gut aussehende, Map Exhumed Final veröffentlicht.

Image-|PS|-N3crom@nc3r has released a new good looking map.


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Written by Wolffiles, Jul 13 2011 at 10:25

Scorpio has released a new Capture the Flag map

Test or download the map here

Waypoints Omnibot 0.81


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Written by Wolffiles, Jul 13 2011 at 10:19

-|PS|-N3crom@nc3r has released a new good looking map.

Test or download the map here

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Written by RtCW4ever, Jul 10 2011 at 18:17

ImageImageNach 5 Monate schwerer Arbeit haben Mike Smith und Ron Smith Ihre Singleplayer Zwei-Level-Map Greenbrier on the Rhine veröffentlicht.
Diese Map wurde inspiriert vom Greenbrier Bunker in West Virginia, US-Staaten. Das Layout des Bunkers ist dem wirklichen Bunker sehr ähnlich und mit RtCW Elementen angepasst. Vicpas (Autor von The Fortress) hat geholfen, Bugs zu entfernen und coole Merkmale hinzuzufügt.

ImageAfter 5 months of hard work, have Mike Smith und Ron Smith the two level mappack Greenbrier on the Rhine has arrived.
This mappack was inspired by the Greenbrier Bunker in West Virginia, Unites States. The layout of the bunker is similar to the real bunker, with some Rtcw goodness added. Vicpas (author of The Fortress) has helped eliminate bugs, and add cool features as well.
Without him, this mappack would be full of bugs. This mappack is version 1.0, which means that most bugs are gone. That's basically all to say.
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jul 06 2011 at 19:45


ImageImageMew von WF-Gaming hat eine Beta 10 Version, von der Map MLB Temple, freigegeben.

ImageMew from WF-Gaming released a Beta 10 of an MLB Temple version.



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Written by RtCW4ever, Jul 06 2011 at 19:42



ImageThe Groupstage is over and we can start with the final part.

survive-Gaming - Team - Zodiacx
Kovat Pojat Kovilla Pyssyillä - Fuck The Name
The eXtinct - The Following Day
Schubkraft - TEAM warpig|
unpleasant - Team PMCG2
Unbreakable Gaming - mudwrestlers
addicted 2 id - KNACK & BACK
noBra!n.KIK.AIM - gamesboard

survive-Gaming - gamesboard
Team - Zodiacx - nutsacks
Kovat Pojat Kovilla Pyssyillä - Jamaika
NoobsuniteD - zerokill
The eXtinct - business district-business as usual
Synergy - Rockefellaz
intensiveNoobs - w0bble
noBra!n - unpleasant

ImageThis Playoffs has no Loser Bracket and every Team decide which Map from the Mappool they wanna play.
04.07.2011 - 10.07.2011: Last Sixteen
11.07.2011 - 17.07.2011: Quarter-Final
18.07.2011 - 24.07.2011: Semi-Final
25.07.2011 - 31.07.2011: Grand Final

We wish all Teams the best of luck.

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Written by RtCW4ever, Jul 04 2011 at 20:23


ImageImageStoerFaktoR gibt eine Sommerversion der ET Map 1944 Nordwind (by +Kommando+) frei - Das Gameplay ist das gleiche wie im Original. Nur die Texturen und die Baum-Modelle sind abgeändert.

ImageStoerFaktoR released a summer version of the ET Map 1944_Nordwind (by +Kommando+) - The gameplay is the same like the original. Only the textures and the tree models has been changed.
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jul 02 2011 at 20:12


ImageFür alle Fans  von Wolfenstein und id Software gibt es jetzt ein ganz besonderes Schmankerl. Bis 10. Juli gibt es bei Steam das id Super Pack für gerade mal 29,99€.


ImageDas Super Pack verdient seinen Namen zu Recht, denn es enthält 22 Spiele beziehungsweise Erweiterungen und es sollte für jeden etwas dabei sein. Neben Return to Castle Wolfenstein gibt es auch noch die komplette Doom und Quake Reihe, sowie Commander Keen und Hexen. Also nicht lange überlegen und zu schlagen.


INFO: Das Steam Paket ist leider nicht in Deutschland erhältlich!

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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 30 2011 at 19:42



ImageIns0mnia eröffnet Cup zum 10. Jahrestag von RtCW. Du kannst dich JETZT mit deinem Team auf Clanbase melden/eintragen - Am 17. September 2001 kam die allererste Map mp_beach auf der Multiplayer Test Version 0.715 von Return to Castle Wolfenstein heraus. RtCW (US-Version) wird also am Samstag den 17. September 2011 genau 10 Jahre alt! Dieses Ereigniss soll gebürtig (mit einem Cup) gefeiert werden. Cool

ImageIns0mnia opens cup to 10 year anniversary of RtCW. You can now sign up with your team on ClanBase - On September 17, 2001 Return to Castle Wolfenstein mp test 1 came out with mp_beach as the very first map. This means the game is going hit the 10 year mark on Saturday 17 sept 2011. This demands an anniversary celebration.

Quote Ins0mnia: Ja meine leutenants, zie RTCW 10 year anniversary cup signups are open! You can signup till the end of aug, so plenty of time to decide to play or not to play.

The classic rules with classic maps: Teams: 6 players (max 1 panzerfaust) - Mode: Stopwatch: ABBA ABBA - aps: mp_beach, mp_base, mp_assault, mp_ice, mp_village
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 28 2011 at 19:02


ImageImageDaz2007 veröffentlicht eine erste Beta von der neuen Map Baserace 2.
Änderungen (zu Baserace 1): Objekte sind nicht mehr in den Basen für ein besseres Teamplay und weniger Spawnkilling. In der Mitte der Map ist jetzt ein Teich hinzugefügt. Das "typisch rot/blaue" ist entsorgt. Der Nebel ist durch Forstbestand (Bäume, Büsche etc.) ersetzt. Es gibt neue Sounds/Geräusche und noch Masse an weiteren Änderungen.

ImageDaz2007 released a first beta of the new map Baserace 2.
Changes (to Baserace 1): Objective is No Longer Inside the Base for Better Balance and less Spawn killing. Added a Pond In the Centre of the Map. Scrapped the Red/Blue Theme. Scrapped the Fog which is now Substituted for Forestry. Added New Sounds and tons of Changes and Improvements.



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Written by RtCW4ever, Jun 26 2011 at 13:15


ImageImageFirefly veröffentlicht eine Beta 4 Version von seiner schönen Map Pirates - Karibik, Juni 1943. Die Achsenmächte beschützen zwei goldene Kisten in einem alten Seeräuberschiff. Die Alliierten müssen Zugang zum Seehafen gewinnen, beide Kisten vom Seeräuberschiff stehlen und zum Fluchtlastkraftwagen bringen.

ImageFirefly released a beta 4 version of his nice map Pirates - The caribbean, June 1943. The Axis are guarding two gold crates inside an old pirate ship. The Allies must gain access to the seaport, Steal both crates from the pirate ship and secure them at the escape truck.

- Bots could not mount the mg42, fixed now.
- fixed a large gap in the pink house ( near the ship )
- Removed the ladder and upper door at the "flag house".
- Allies now spawn at the east side of the beach.
- Moved the tunnel entrance at the beach away from allied spawn.
- Changed the compile settings - added _bounce 2 - and made the map a bit brighter.
- Added a small path from the tunnel entrance towards the main entrance.
- Fixed the mapcoords so player-icons nolonger disappear from the command map.
- Mines can no longer be placed at the truck area.
- Optimised the map and fixed the hom effect at certain places.
- The rear exit from axis seaport spawn has been made wider.
- Added terrain to the east side of the pirate ship, replacing the small lighthouse.
- Added another ladder to enter the pirate ship from the water.
- Created an iron gate at the tunnel entrance at the old fort.
- Increased the amount of spawns to 32 per team for testing and feedback purposes on larger servers.
- Private version - see beta4 changes.


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