... splatterladder is watching you!
Mr. Hopper!
played on Servers: 4
Damn, I'm good!
best map rating: 32.79
.SSJ Maro. in Siwa Oasis o...
Call me god!
best overall rating: 33.12
.SSJ Maro.
U don't have a woman?
most time played: 7.1 hrs
The best place
Teuthis - 24 days 3 hours 20 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 24 days 14 hours 22 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
bugs - 25 days 4 hours 44 minutes agoFrohes Neues!
Teuthis - 26 days 4 hours 51 minutes ago@$mart assuming I quickly make another goldrush version, do have someone who can do the waypoints?
Teuthis - 26 days 22 hours 50 minutes ago…since clans prefer playing the 20 yr old graphic settings, I can’t make a new goldrush map
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[map] Grotli winter edition
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Written by RtCW4ever, Nov 13 2011 at 17:39


ImageImageUpdated ET-Map [UJE] Airport beta 5, by [UJE]Niek - The allies have to break into the airfield. Once they blow up the main entrance they can destroy the flight controls and detroy the cargo of 2 airplanes stationed there.

ImageUpdate der ET-Map [UJE] Airport Beta 5, von [UJE]Niek - Die Alliierten müssen in dem Flugplatz einbrechen. Sobald sie den Haupteingang freigesprengt haben, müssen die Alliierten im Gebäude die Tower-Kontrolle und auf dem Flugfeld zwei Anti-Tank-Guns zerstören, die sich in 2 Cargo-Flugzeugen befinden.

Allies objective:
*Destroy the main entrance
*Destroy both cargoplanes
*Destroy the Flight controls
*Destroy the sidedoor for faster acces
*Fix commandpost

Axis objective:
*Defend the main entrance
*Prevent the allies from blowing up the cargoplanes
*Prevent the allies from blowing up the flight controls
*Build commandpost
*Build the side door



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Written by RtCW4ever, Nov 08 2011 at 18:50



ImageThe ET: XreaL edition is now available in version 0.3.0 for first time! This is a complete download (1,4 GB). You don't need any previous versions of ET: XreaL. XreaL is a graphics mod with dynamic lights and shadow effects for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory using the enhanced XreaL id Tech 3 GPL engine.

ImageDie ET: XreaL Edition ist jetzt erstmalig in Version 0.3.0 verfügbar! Dies ist ein kompletter Download (1,4 GB). Du benötigst keine vorherige Version von ET: XreaL. XreaL ist eine Grafik-Modifikation mit dynamischen Licht und Schatten Effekten für Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory und benutzt die Erweiterte XreaL id Tech 3 GPL Engine.

ETXreaL id Tech 3 Features / ETXreaL id Tech 3 Funktionen
    * Modern OpenGL 3.2 renderer with all deprecated OpenGL calls removed
    * Clever usage of vertex buffer objects (VBO) to speed up rendering of everything
    * Avoids geometry processing each frame using the CPU (worst bottleneck with the Q3A engine)
    * Renders up to 500 000 - 1 000 000 polygons at 80 - 200 fps on current hardware (DX10 generation)
    * Optional GPU occlusion culling (improved Coherent Hierarchy Culling) useful for rendering large city scenes
    * Doom 3 .MD5mesh/.MD5anim skeletal model and animation support
    * Unreal Actor X .PSK/.PSA skeletal model and animation support
    * True 64 bit HDR lighting with adaptive tone mapping
    * Advanced projective and omni-directional soft shadow mapping methods like EVSM
    * Real-time sun lights with parallel-split shadow maps
    * Optional deferred shading
    * Relief mapping that can be enabled by materials
    * Optional uniform lighting and shadowing model like in Doom 3 including globe mapping
    * Supports almost all Quake 3, Enemy Territory and Doom 3 material shader keywords
    * TGA, PNG, JPG and DDS format support for textures
    * Usage of frame buffer objects (FBO) to perform offscreen rendering effects


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Written by Wolffiles, Nov 05 2011 at 15:17


After some time, we can proudly announce our 3rd ETPro Cup. Some of you might still remember the 3on3 One-Day-Cup's from the past.

It doesn't matter how skilled you are or if you ever played ETPro before, just have fun and a good time!

If you want to compete Subscribe Here.

Make sure, you'll have time and at least 3 people (maybe 1-2 people as back-up) available.

More infos here or at Prime-Squadron
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Written by RtCW4ever, Nov 04 2011 at 20:34




ImageWith a great feeling of loss, I have to report on a very tragic accident. on 25 October 2011, something happened to us that non of us could have prepared for. NVidia launched it latest drivers. So no worries, nobodies dead, but the renderer is on its ars!

5th November 2011... forget it, we're not going to make that! First, it was just a single error on a single system, but now we discovered its a fundamental problem and we have to delay the release. I hope you understand that we, bedroom hobbyist, do not have the power to fix this issue in 2 days.

So please, forgive us for blowing the trumpet before everything was good to go. We want to provide good support and technology from the moment the product is available, and we do not want "the Rage Experience".

ImageMit einem sehr schlechtem Gefühl muß ich leider Berichten, das ein tragisches Unglück passiert ist. Am 25. Oktober 2011 geschah etwas bei uns, auf das wir nicht vorbereitet waren. NVidia veröffentlichte den neusten Treiber. Ok, soweit keine Probleme aber das Rendering ist der Kernpunkt und genau das Funktioniert nicht mehr richtig!

Zuerst war es nur ein einzelner Fehler auf einem einzigen System aber später entdeckten wir, das es ein Fundamentelles Problem gibt und wir deswegen die Freigabe vom Xreal verschieben müssen.

Ich hoffe ihr versteht das, dass wir diesen Fehler nicht in 2 Tagen bereinigen können. Verzeit uns bitte, das wir zu früh Versprochen haben, was wir jetzt nicht halten können. Wir wollen schliesslich eine gute Technologie und einen guten Support bereitstellen und keinen Murks anbieten.

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Written by RtCW4ever, Nov 04 2011 at 17:38


ImageImage[UJE] Niek released the final version of his map convoy - The axis are escorting a convoy (the tank with 3 trucks) from the airport through a town to the faith factory. If they make it they get alot of faith for winning the war against the allies troops.

Image[UJE] Niek veröffentlicht die finale Version von seiner Map Convoy - Die Achsenmächte eskortieren einen Konvoi (den Panzer mit 3 LKWs ) vom Flugplatz durch eine Stadt bis zur Glaubensstätte. Wenn sie es machen, bekommen sie viel "Glauben" für das Gewinnen des Krieges, gegen die Alliierten.


Axis objective:
*Escort the convoy to the factory
*Blow up 3 baricades
*Sachel the side door
*Fix commandpost

Allied objective:
*stop the axis convoy
*Build baricades
*Build the side door
*Build commandpost


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Written by RtCW4ever, Nov 03 2011 at 19:15

ImageImageSani, Hukk and Hemuli publish hers map Erdenberg b3 - After a long time since the last update, we bring you the 3rd - and probably the last - official update of Erdenberg. Most noticeable changes are a radically modifyed Forward bunker and two new axis spawn locations.
We also included the source file of this map inside the pk3 for anyone to freely browse or edit it.

ImageSani, Hukk und Hemuli veröffentlichen ihre Map Erdenberg b3 - Nach einer langen Zeit der letzten Aktualisierung, veröffentlichen wir das Dritte - und wahrscheinlich letzte - offizielle Update, von der Map Erdenberg. Die deutlichesten Änderungen sind: Ein radikal modifizierter Forward-Bunker und zwei neue Achsen-Spawns.
Wir haben auch die Source-Daten dieser Map in die "pk3" mit eingefügt.


*** Changelog b2 > b3 ***
= Designed the garage a bit
= Reworked the flag hall
= Blended the road textures
+ Added 2 new axis spawns
+ Added MG Nest
+ Added a damn rock behind the trench
= Open/closed windows
+ Added a rebuildable side door


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Written by Wolffiles, Nov 02 2011 at 06:48


The guys from mygamingtalk released version 0.4.0 of their mod silEnT.

New main features in silEnT 0.4.0 are:
  • New User Interface with 2 themes. Themes can be switched with "ui_theme" cvar {1,2}
  • Widescreen support.
  • New front end user interface for private message system.
  • 3rd person view for knife throw animations.
  • db improvements.
  • Enhanced Hardware Based Identification system. g_identOptions 16. The server will automatically create a new ban for a player that is circumventing old ban and the client identification catches it.
  • Subnet ban feature to replace pb_sv_banmask.
  • Performance enhancements.
  • Ban numbers are printed in the outputs of !userinfo, !userlist and !usersearch commands, if the player is banned.

Miscellaneous added features:
  • Added: tripmines markers on the command map.
  • Added: new tripmine wire shaders.
  • Added: tripmines can be now spotted by coverts to be marked on the command map.
  • Added: Possibility for server admins to enable Jaymod style double jumping This is controlled with g_misc flag 32.
  • Added: hint for tripmine placement (hint is displayed when tripmine can be attached to the pointed place)
  • Added: new cvar: cg_themedCMap {0,1}, which activates/deactivates themed command map frame
  • Added: New shrubbot flag '#'. Players or levels with this flag are not allowed to call votes. Voting is automatically denied from players without PB GUIDs. Do note, it does not require the punkbuster to be enabled on the server for a player to have a PB GUID.
  • Added: new private message which allows to select players from the list or just type the name in
  • Added: Possiblity to mute only global chat sounds with cg_noVoiceChats 2. Also added into the menu.

For help and support please visit: https://mygamingtalk.com/forums/

You can download this mod here

Or simply test the mod on our testserver
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Written by RtCW4ever, Oct 24 2011 at 11:38



ImageNo crossing versions of 3 snipermaps by [UJE] Niek - UJE Flat Sniper NC, UJE Kitchen Sniper NC and UJE Mountain Sniper NC. All maps have way points inclusive.

ImageDrei No Crossing Snipermaps Versionen von [UJE] Niek - UJE Flat Sniper NC, UJE Kitchen Sniper NC und UJE Mountain Sniper NC. Alle Maps sind inklusive WayPoints.


Flat Sniper NC




Kitchen Sniper NC




Mountain Sniper NC

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Written by RtCW4ever, Oct 23 2011 at 12:13

ImageImagemad.et|Cambo released his cool ET-Mod Mad Warfare 1.0 - This is the First (public) release of this mod.

ET-MWM Details: Call of Duty 4 - Weapons / Textures / Sounds, Soldier of Fortune 3 - Weapons / Textures, Modern Skins, Flashbang, Blood and a few features.
Imagemad.et|Cambo veröffentlicht seine coole ET-Modifikation Mad Warfare 1.0 - Dies ist die Erstveröffentlichung der Mod-Version (für Public).

ET-MWM Details: Call of Duty 4 - Waffen / Texturen / Sounds, Soldier of Fortune 3 - Waffen / Texturen, zeitgemäße Kleidung, Blendgranaten, Blut und eininge andere Funktionen.

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Written by RtCW4ever, Oct 22 2011 at 20:20



ImageAfter long time, it is so far again! We, the #gTh Clan would like to invite you. - The 11. Night of Fight starts on 12-11-2011 at 20.00 hours. Location is our server EISENFAUST with the IP:! We continue the tradition started by other clans a long time ago.

ImageNach langer Zeit ist es mal wieder so weit! Wir, der #gTh Clan möchten euch einladen. - Am 12.11.2011 um 20.00 Uhr startet die 11. Night of Fight. Location ist unser Server EISENFAUST mit der IP:! Wir setzen damit eine Tradition fort, die schon von anderen ET Clans/Communitys vorrangetrieben wurde.

1944 Nordwind remake von [Deutschland] #gTh.MaNgO, Adlernest, Braundorf Final, Bremen b3, Caen2, Citadel obj, Dubrovnik Final, Frostbite, Italyfp2 modified by [Deutschland] #gTh.MaNgO, Karsiah_te2, Kharanthan, Missile b3, Pirates, Reactor Final, Rushers11, sp Delivery te, Supply, sw Goldrush te,Tounine b2, UJE Amsterdam b3
gl&hf your Team of Gate to Hell and Night of Fight
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Written by RtCW4ever, Oct 17 2011 at 19:05


ImageImageM|A|D [Cambo] released a beta version of his nice map mad.et|Bunker reloaded - It`s a team deathmatch map. Highest Fragger wins! Allies and Axis Objective: 1. Kill the enemy! 2. Stay alive! 3. See rule 1.

ImageM|A|D [Cambo] veröffentlicht eine Beta Version von seiner hübschen Map mad.et|Bunker reloaded - Es ist eine Team Deathmatch Map. Das bessere Team gewinnt! Alliierte und Achsenmächte Ziel: 1. Töte den Feind! 2. Bleib am Leben! 3. Siehe Regel 1.



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Written by Wolffiles, Oct 17 2011 at 16:02


Everyone is welcome to join this event.
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Written by RtCW4ever, Oct 16 2011 at 19:17


ImageImageIt’s a remake of the old map Spear of Destiny II, made by =AN=-Duke Life's a Beach - Duke s knife the Spear of Destiny is feared among many.
Last time the Allies were success full in stealing The Spear of Destiny. The Axis HQ have learned where the Allies keep Duke´s knife and gone try to steal it back.
The Axis need to repair the tank, take control over the city and use the tank to break into the bank. If the Axis are successful then the train stands ready to bring them to safety.

ImageEine Neuerstellung von der Map Spear of Destiny II, erstellt von =AN=-Duke Life's a Beach
Mal waren die Alliierten erfolgreich beim Stehlen des Spear of Destiny.
Das Achsenmächte-HQ hat aber erfahren, wo die Alliierten Duke's Messer versteckt halten und versucht es jetzt zurück zu stehlen.
Achsenmächte müssen den Panzer reparieren, um die Kontrolle über die Stadt zu bekommen und auch um in die Bank einzubrechen. Wenn die Achsenmächte erfolgreich sind, steht ein Zug bereit um sie in Sicherheit zu bringen.



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Written by RtCW4ever, Oct 16 2011 at 16:56


ImageImageRtCW CTF Map Simpsons Q3 (Author Maggumaster of Quake 3) converted by =KT= SuperRetardo - This is a Capture the flag Map.
documents lie in the Simpsons house in the kitchen and in the bar of Moe. The Allies must steal the docs out of Moe´s bar and bring these home into the Simpsons house and the axis turned over.

IMPORTANT: com_hunkMegs "128" required!

ImageRtCW CTF Map Simpsons Q3 (Autor Maggumaster, von Quake 3) konvertiert von =KT= SuperRetardo - Dies ist eine Capture the Flag Map.
Die Dokumente liegen im Simspons Haus in der Küche und in der Bar von Moe. Die Alliierten müssen das Dokument stehlen und nach Hasue, in das Simpsons Haus, bringen und die Achsenmächte umgekehrt.

WICHTIG: com_hunkMegs "128" erforderlich!




Many thx to =KT=SuperRetardo which has converted the map on my request!
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Written by RtCW4ever, Oct 16 2011 at 16:16

ImageImageM|A|D [Cambo] released a map which has been converted from Medal of Honor (Allied Assault) called Southern France - Highest Fragger wins! Allies and Axis Objective: 1. Kill the enemy! 2. Stay alive! OPTIONAL: Build CP.  

ImageM|A|D [Cambo] veröffentlicht seine neue ET-Map, die Ursprünglich aus Medal of Honor (Allied Assault) stammt und auch Southern France genannt wird - Das bessere Team gewinnt! Alliierte und Achsenmächte Ziel: 1. Töte den Feind! 2. Bleib am Leben! OPTIONAL: Errichte den CP.



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