... splatterladder is watching you!
Mr. Hopper!
played on Servers: 4
Damn, I'm good!
best map rating: 26.09
Batman in Siwa Oasis o...
Call me god!
best overall rating: 30.06
U don't have a woman?
most time played: 4.5 hrs
The best place
  TeamMuppet ETLegacy
Teuthis - 24 days 6 hours 7 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 24 days 17 hours 9 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
bugs - 25 days 7 hours 31 minutes agoFrohes Neues!
Teuthis - 26 days 7 hours 38 minutes ago@$mart assuming I quickly make another goldrush version, do have someone who can do the waypoints?
Teuthis - 27 days 1 hour 36 minutes ago…since clans prefer playing the 20 yr old graphic settings, I can’t make a new goldrush map
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Written by Wolffiles, Jan 01 2012 at 16:01


From HD’R clan we present the “Christmas tournament 2.011”.

The tournament will be in our new server:

Start day : 15/01/2012

Teams will be formed by 5 players and 2 reseves at most, so 7 players in total. As a free tournament, clans can inscribe more than one team.

Remember that there can be formed free teams, not necessary to be in the same clan.

1. The mod used will be nq, with pb activated in the private server + TS with channels with password determined before the game.
2. Maps to play are chosen between following ones in this way:

Will be played 3 maps and both teams will play in both sides, 6 games in total. Every teams will chose their “favorite map”, and the third will be a random one from the server between this:

· Special delivery
· Bremen
· Braundorf
· Warbell
· ET Beach Invasion Final 1.1
· Gold Rush
· Siwa oasis
· Adlernest
· Caen
· Frostbite Final
· Supply Depot

In case of a draw, maps will be rotated, without repeating any map, and that map will be played in both sides until a team win two consecutive matches on the same map.


1. Games will be 5 vs 5. If a team appears with less than 5 players they can lose the match, the other team will chose if they want to play 4 vs 5.
2. Games will be in stopwatch mode.
3. Only one panzer allowed per team.
4. Only one rifle-grenade allowed in play (this not limit the number of engineers with rifles, only engineers with rifle-grenade.
5. Following tactics will be considered illegal:
a. Intentionally door blocking on any map.
b. Making weapons reload faster or making recoil disappear.
c. Making disappear any map weather effect if are forbidden in pb adjustments. (for example cg_atmosphericeffects “0” or r_drawfoliage “0” are legal).
d. Using any tactic that causes lag or the intromission “teleport” or the “simulated packages lose” with the video card to go against the adjustments cvars on Pb. This includes the use of inadequate adjustments of MAXRATE that causes lag.
e. Use of any kind of bug.

Procedure of the games:

1. Viewers are not allow
2. The game will not start until the admin is ready.
3. Admin will stop the game shortly if a player falls of the server or he hangs. The pause can take not more than 5 minutes (enough time to resume and reconnect).
The maxim time on pauses is 10 minutes per map and team. A map will not stop more than 5 times for the same problem on same player. After that, the player will play with his problem or be replaced.
4. Players can stop themselves in case of visible tactical problems. The tactical departures of time are not allowed. Problems with a communication program is not a reason to stop the game.
Admin can unpause immediately if there is not a reason to stop tha game.
5. If the server falls during a game, map will be restarted onlyif the fall is on the first minute. In other cases remaining time will be restored (minimum 2 minutes).

1º Classified
2º Classified
3º Classified

You can register here : https://www.clanhdr.com/forosmf/index.php?topic=1515.0

Thanks and regards! Happy New Year!!
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jan 01 2012 at 13:54



ImageFrom HD’R clan we present the “Christmas tournament 2011”. The tournament will be in our new server:, Start day : 15/01/2012.
Teams will be formed by 5 players and 2 reseves at most, so 7 players in total.

1. The mod used will be nq, with pb activated in the private server + TS with channels with password determined before the game.

2. Maps to play are chosen between following ones in this way:
Will be played 3 maps and both teams will play in both sides, 6 games in total. Every teams will chose their “favorite map”, and the third will be a random one from the server between this:

Special delivery, Bremen, Braundorf, Warbell, ET Beach Invasion Final 1.1, Gold Rush, Siwa oasis, Adlernest, Caen, Frostbite Final, Supply Depot

Prices: 1º Classified, 2º Classified, 3º Classified

More infos about this: www.forum.splatterladder.com
You can register here: www.clanhdr.com/forosmf

Thanks and regards! Happy New Year!!

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Written by RtCW4ever, Dec 31 2011 at 11:54

ImageWe wish everyone a Very Happy New Year!!!
ImageWir wünschen euch einen guten Rutsch in neue Jahr!!!
 Your Wolfenstein4ever-team
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Written by Wolffiles, Dec 29 2011 at 06:58


TOG*neddie finalised and released the map Raw Castle TE final. The Map is authored by Roger -redRum- Creus - The allied army has taken a farm in East Anglia. There is a castle down the hill, the Axis are using it as their stronghold.
The fortress is strongly defended by an old big wall which the Allies will have to pass through.
Valuable documents are resting in a vault inside the castle. Will the Allies be able to steal and transmit them?


    1  .Primary    : Steal the secret Documents.
    2  .Primary    : Transmit the Documents.
    3  .Primary    : Blow up the Main Wall and secure the Forward Spawn.
    4  .Primary    : Destroy the Castle Main Door.
    5  .Primary    : Blow up the Vault Door guarding the Documents.
    6 ..Secondary    : Capture the Tower Spawn.
    7 ..Secondary    : Destroy the Side Wall and get easier access to the Axis Castle.
    8 ..Secondary    : Construct the Command Post.

    1  .Primary    : Protect the Documents.
    2  .Primary    : Prevent Allies from transmitting the Documents.
    3  .Primary    : Defend the Main Wall.
    4  .Primary    : Defend the Castle Main Door.
    5  .Primary    : Defend and construct the Vault Door guarding the Documents.
    6 ..Secondary    : Don't let Allies capture the Tower Spawn.
    7 ..Secondary    : Prevent Allies from destroying the Castle Side Wall.
    8 ..Secondary    : Construct the Command Post.


raw_te_final.pk3 goes inside etmain folder / raw_te_ETPRO.pk3 goes inside etpro folder (if you have one).


Test or download the Map here

Source: rtcw4ever | cyanureill

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Written by RtCW4ever, Dec 27 2011 at 19:08


ImageImageSupplydepot 2 Desert Version (supply_desert) by StoerFaktoR - This map is only re-textured to an desert version. The gameplay is the same as the original map.

ImageSupplydepot 2 Desert Version (supply_desert) von StoerFaktoR - Diese Map hat nur eine Wüstenlandschaft als neue Textur bekommen, das Gameplay ist das dasselbe wie im Original.





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Written by Wolffiles, Dec 25 2011 at 08:27


Wolffiles.de wish everyone a Merry Christmas


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Written by RtCW4ever, Dec 24 2011 at 10:53



ImageWe wish you Merry Christmas and reflective holidays.
ImageWir wünschen eine frohe und besinnliche Weihnachtszeit. Genießt die Feiertage.


Your Wolfenstein4ever Team
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Written by RtCW4ever, Dec 23 2011 at 20:43


ImageImageBloxin presents his new RtCW 1.0 Fragmovie - This video is dedicated to the remaining clean 1.0 players and those who contributed to the community in a positive way over the years.
As 1.0 is now sadly over populated by noskill cheaters in servers which admins let them play openly, this drives the genuine clean players to quit.

Hopefully this video will show and be something to look back on and remember how much fun 1.0 was and a few of the great people who were involved.

ImageBloxin zeigt sein neues RtCW 1.0 Fragmovie - Dieses Video wird den, über die Jahre, übrig gebliebenen sauberen 1.0 Spielern gewidmet, die zur positiven Gemeinschaft beitrugen.
Die guten Zeiten auf RtCW 1.0 sind traurigerweise vorbei, weil viele Admins die Noskill-Cheater auf den Servern einfach unkontrolliert (weiter) spielen lassen. Das bringt die Echten sauberen Spieler dazu, letztendlich aufzuhören.

Dieses Video soll die schönen Momente der Vergangenheit wiederspiegeln und einst daran erinnern, wieviel Spass es auf RtCW 1.0 gemacht hat und es soll auch einige großartige Spieler für immer festhalten.


Starring / Mitwirkend: ag3nt, bloxin, calibrin, diminish, frenzy, hitman, nosy, str8sick, carlton, sick, fresh, tragic, virkes, xill


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Written by Wolffiles, Dec 23 2011 at 12:20


CTF Orange3map is the third (alpha) release of the fun project Orangemap

mapsource included

Download the map here

Source: OrangeMap/StoerFaktoR
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Written by RtCW4ever, Dec 20 2011 at 19:07


ImageImage{SSF}Sage released a Duel version based on a section of Capuzzo Airport. (Capuzzo Airport made by: {SSF}Sage and Pegazus from SM-Mapping)
Love duel is a small valley in desert. No objective! Just frag! Intended for 1 on 1, but suitable for small teams aswell.
If you get bored of serious duels, you can just fool around, play hide and seek or just gather a few friends and play a game of riflenade war. You decide! Have fun!

Image{SSF}Sage veröffentlicht eine Duel Version, basierend auf einem Abschnitt der Map Capuzzo Airport. Love Duel ist ein kleines Tal in der Wüste. Ohne Ziel! Nur Frags! Für 1 gegen 1 bestimmt, aber auch für kleine Teams passend.
Wenn du mal von ernsten Duellen gelangweilt bist, kannst du auf Love Duel herumblödeln. Spiele Verstecken (Hide and Seek) oder spiele einfach einen Riflenade-War mit einigen Freunden. Du entscheidest! Habe Spaß!



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Written by RtCW4ever, Dec 17 2011 at 19:41



ImageThe Dark Alchemy Clan organizes a public ET-Panzerwar for all splash bitches - Have fun! Tongue out

ImageDer Dark Alchemy Clan veranstaltet einen Allgemeinen ET-Panzerwar für alle Splashhuren - Viel Spass dabei!

Sunday, 18.12.2011 at 19:00 CET
Server IP:

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Written by RtCW4ever, Dec 16 2011 at 20:38


ImageImageET Movie Polarsoul made by Ruipperi - A miracle happened. Ruipperi has to excel oneself and created an awesome high-quality film with nice frags and good editing. This movie has got dazzling 9 points at Crossfire.

ImageET Movie Polarsoul erstellt von Ruipperi - Ein Wunder ist geschehen. Ruipperi hat sich selbst übertroffen und einen großartigen High-Quality Film erschaffen, mit schönen Frags und guter Filmbarbeitung. Dieser Film hat satte 9 Punkte auf Crossfire bekommen.

Starring / Mitwirkende: Sample, Swan, vokki, Hessu, Vanhaomena, HardyRah, torspo, Ruipperi, clov, Blindi, Altsi, ensam, lehtine, t0psu, Slarto, repje, Statti, Uteoz



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Written by RtCW4ever, Dec 15 2011 at 18:51


ImageImageSerapis from |Tel|-clan released his first map, Tel Forest Sniper, bot waypoints included - It`s nice to see new mappers for our loved ET getting active.

ImageSerapis vom |Tel|-Clan veröffentlicht seine erste Map, Tel Forest Sniper, Bot-Waypoints inklusive - Es ist schön zu sehen, das es für unser beliebtes ET auch Heute noch neue Mapper gibt.


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Written by Wolffiles, Dec 14 2011 at 18:26


Quote from Splashdamage

ClanBase has announced the latest NationsCup for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and is currently looking for team captains. The NationsCup is a bit like the World Cup of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, with each country fielding a single team consisting of its best and brightest players.

The tournament is currently accepting applications for each team's captain. If you fancy leading your country into battle and can hold your own in Wolf: ET, you can submit your application through this page. The submission window for this closes on 25 December. Next up, players get to vote on their team captains, and once that's sorted, qualifiers will begin, followed by the tournament itself on 23 January.

For a breakdown of this NationCup's schedule, as well as the guidelines for submitting your application, head on over to ClanBase.

Source: https://www.splashdamage.com/node/905
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Written by Wolffiles, Dec 13 2011 at 07:47

It’s a Xmas Edition (with waypoints) of the old map Spear of Destiny II, made by =AN=-Duke Life's a Beach - Duke s knife the Spear of Destiny is feared among many.
Last time the Allies were success full in stealing The Spear of Destiny. The Axis HQ have learned where the Allies keep Duke´s knife and gone try to steal it back.
The Axis need to repair the tank, take control over the city and use the tank to break into the bank. If the Axis are successful then the train stands ready to bring them to safety.

Test or download the map here

Source: RtCW4Ever
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