The game is officially released in germany since yesterday, but if you visit from germany, you still get redirected to and you see nothing more than the old boring site like on the screenshot.
With this application, you can tune a lot of game settings. Every settings has it's description, and most of them have pictures (soon), so you'll know exactly, which setting what does!
Login made a small minimizer for the new Wolfenstein and for W:ET. Simply press Alt+Z to minimize/restore the game. More minimizers can be found on his site.
The brotherhood of NOD supports the Axis wtih a new weapon.
Including an extra-pk3 to turn the description from german into english. Put the pk3 in the mod folder of your server to make sure it's downloaded to the players, otherwise the whole description is in german.
Now available for players and server administrators, the 1.1 update packs a smattering of fixes, including balance tweaks and the addition of menu sound.
Under Windows Vista, SecuROM will prevent the game from running if Explicit Congestion Notification is enabled in Vista's networking configuration.
Disk Drive emulator and some debugging software will also cause the launch of the game to fail and a security module error to be generated. In fact a reboot of the entire system was required if Process Explorer prior to version 11 was used before an attempt to run the protected software. That problem was caused by a driver that was kept in memory after Process Explorer was closed.
A little bit more for your mapping needs, a pack with 39 skyboxes (tga, 512x512) from Amethyst7 and a pack with rocks, stonewalls and lava from KatsBits.
Axis and Allies psychopaths are stuck in a room of panic. Out of their lack of clear sense and friendliness, they are trying to steal each others Gold!
It is a small map, usually with a short timelimit. The object for axis is to invade into allies room and capture their gold. Allies have the same object, only they have to get the gold from Axis room. Whoever completes the mission faster is the winner!