... splatterladder is watching you!
Mr. Hopper!
played on Servers: 4
Damn, I'm good!
best map rating: 26.09
Batman in Siwa Oasis o...
Call me god!
best overall rating: 30.06
U don't have a woman?
most time played: 4.5 hrs
The best place
  TeamMuppet ETLegacy
Teuthis - 24 days 12 hours 13 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 24 days 23 hours 15 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
bugs - 25 days 13 hours 37 minutes agoFrohes Neues!
Teuthis - 26 days 13 hours 45 minutes ago@$mart assuming I quickly make another goldrush version, do have someone who can do the waypoints?
Teuthis - 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes ago…since clans prefer playing the 20 yr old graphic settings, I can’t make a new goldrush map
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Written by RtCW4ever, May 29 2012 at 20:14

ImageEnemy Territory is a Glorious Nine Years Old! - Splash Damage's first game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was released on this day nine entire years ago, leading us to refer to today internally as WolfenNine (so sorry, guys).

As we write this, there have been over 16 million Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory installations, well over half a billion multiplayer matches, countless user-made maps, and a myriad of tournaments and leagues. Mind-boggling numbers all around and much of this is down to all of you guys and gals who are the true life of the game. We can't thank you enough for your support.

Over the next couple of days, we'll be rolling out a few bits of content to commemorate Wolf: ET and the community behind it. This includes a very special giveaway you won't want to miss, so be sure to check back for that.

In the meantime, join us in wishing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory a very happy birthday. Here's to the next nine years!

ImageEnemy Territory ist glorreiche neun Jahre alt! - Splash Damage 's erstes Spiel Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory wurde an diesem Tag vor neun ganzen Jahren freigegeben, was uns dazu bewegt, es heute "innerlich" WolfenNine zu nennen.

Als wir dieses Geschireben haben, hat es über 16 Millionen Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Installationen gegeben, über eine halbe Billion Multiplayer-Matche, unzählige User-Maps wurden erstellt und eine unvorstellbare Summe von Turnieren und Ligaspielen wurde absolviert.
Zahlenwerte überall und diese kommen von euch
Jungs und Mädels! Ihr, welche das wahre Leben des Spiels seid. Wir (Splash Damage) können nicht genug für eure Unterstützung danken.

In den nächsten paar Tagen, verbreiten wir einige "Inhalte" um an Wolf:ET zu gedenken und die Gemeinschaft dahinter. Dies schließt auch ein ganz besonderes Geschenk ein, das du bestimmt nicht missen möchtest.

In der Zwischenzeit, schließe dich uns (Splash Damage) an, für einen Geburtstagwunsch von Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory und auf die nächsten 9 Jahre!

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Written by Wolffiles, May 29 2012 at 07:55


ImageEnemy Territory celebrates his 9th birthday now! ET was published by Splash Damage on 29-5-2003 - Of course the game was planned as Addon with costs to Return to Castle Wolfenstein first but the Singleplayer did not get on time ready. Through this we have got of Activision, id Software and Splash Damage of one of the best free online games of all times.
Despite the high age is Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory still one Egoshooter-Onlinegame of great popularity.


Source: rtcw4ver

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Written by RtCW4ever, May 29 2012 at 04:09

ImageEnemy Territory celebrates his 9th birthday now! ET was published by Splash Damage on 29-5-2003 - Of course the game was planned as Addon with costs to Return to Castle Wolfenstein first but the Singleplayer did not get on time ready. Through this we have got of Activision, id Software and Splash Damage of one of the best free online games of all times.
Despite the high age is Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory still one Egoshooter-Onlinegame of great popularity.
Still we wish a lot of fun!

ImageEnemy Territory feiert nun seinen 9. Geburtstag! Am 29.05.2003 wurde ET von Splash Damage veröffentlicht -  Natürlich war das Spiel zuerst als kostenpflichtiges Addon zu Return to Castle Wolfenstein geplant, doch der Singleplayer wurde nicht rechtzeitig fertig. Dadurch haben wir von Activision, id Software und Splash Damage eines der besten kostenlosen Onlinespiele aller Zeiten erhalten.
Trotz des hohen Alters, ist Wolfenstein:
Enemy Territory immer noch ein sehr beliebtes Egoshooter-Onlinegame.
Wir wünschen weiterhin viel Spaß!

ET-Fullgame  ET-Intro  ET-Logos
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Written by RtCW4ever, May 23 2012 at 21:26


ImageImageMateos has released a newer version of 1944 Nordwind called 1944 Nordwind 2 - The Axis are launching a surprise attack on allied forces. They are using a Jagdpanther to open the Truckyard Wall to allow an escape with the Allied gold!

ImageMateos hat eine neuere Version freigegeben, namens 1944 Nordwind 2 - Die Achsenmächte führen einen Überraschungsangriff auf die Alliierten aus. Sie verwenden ein Jagdpanther, um das LKW-Tor zu öffnen, um eine Flucht mit Gold der Alliierten zu ermöglichen!


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Written by Wolffiles, May 23 2012 at 07:43


Mateos has released a newer version of 1944 Nordwind called "1944 Nordwind 2".

Description:The Axis are launching a surprise attack on allied forces.

They are using a Jagdpanther to open the Truckyard Wall to allow an escape with the Allied gold!


Download or test the Map here

Changelog can be found here



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Written by Wolffiles, May 19 2012 at 07:05


TZAC 2.1 has been released

Unfortunately you are required to download the new installer, but you may install it over the existing installation.

Please do NOT use the old TZAC shortcut, it will not work. Instead, find appropriate shortcuts in the start menu folder for each game.

Start the game button and command line options are back. You HAVE TO use the Start the game button, TZAC does *NOT* detect a running game automatically. If you want to create a shortcut or pass your server browser/game launcher to TZAC.exe, this is how you should construct the shortcut:


Game IDs are the following:
ET - 0
COD 4 - 3
COD 2 - 4

So, if you wish TZAC to start ET and take command line options to connect to an IP, it would look like this:

"C:\path\to\TZAC.exe" 0 +connect IP


Source: etpro.de | TZAC

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Written by RtCW4ever, May 18 2012 at 17:10

ImageHello dear community - here want to we announce that we want to start at the weekend a small cup (event) the 26.05.2012.To 17 clock.
We have opted for the final version of ET domination (Powerball)
Here it comes one to find ball to move him in the tar of opponent in the middle of the map. Where to keep in mind is that you in the time where her the ball have not defecating can because her the ball otherwise away throws.
More infos on -> forum.splatterladder.com

User friendly greeting with the-=Waff= - team
The data you can all with us on the clan page find -> et.splatterladder.com
ImageHallo liebe Community - Hier mit möchten wir bekannt geben das wir einen kleinen Cup (Event) am wochenende dem 26.05.2012 starten wollen. Um 17 uhr.
Wir haben uns für die final version von ET-Domination entschieden (PowerBall)
Hier geht es darum einen Ball in der Mitte der Map zu finden um ihn dann in das Tar des gegner zu befördern. Wobei zu beachten ist das ihr in der Zeit wo ihr den Ball habt nicht schissen könnt, da ihr den Ball sonst weg schmeisst.
Mehr Infos dazu -> forum.splatterladder.com

Mit freundlichem Gruß, das -=Waff=- Team
Die Daten könnt ihr bei uns auf der Clanpage finden -> et.splatterladder.com
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Written by RtCW4ever, May 18 2012 at 12:43


ImageImageRtCW Singleplayer Simple Weapon Mod (SWM 1.0.2) made by Semwolf.
SWM - is small modification for RTCW, changing the sounds of shots, falling of shells, explosions and recharge of weapon.
An author did not aim to change resources globally, not to distort an original game. Changes touched not all types of armament, and only those, which, in opinion of author, needed revision.
In graphic arts changes did not happen, except for binoculars and hyposcopes.
The change exposed to : Knife, Luger, Colt, Mauser Rifle, FG42, Snooper Rifle, Thompson, Venom, Tesla Gun, Dynamite, Panzerfaust, Binocular.

ImageRtCW Spingleplayer Simple Weapon Mod (SWM 1.0.2) erstellt von Semwolf.
SWM - ist eine kleine Änderung für RTCW und tauscht die Sounds von Schüssen, fallenden Hülsen, Explosionen und das Nachladen von Waffen. Kleine grafische Änderungen gibt es beim Fernglas und Hyposcope.



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Written by RtCW4ever, May 18 2012 at 10:20


ImageImageThe one and only, Wolfenstein 3D, pioneer of first-person shooters, celebrates its 20th birthday this month.
Thus Bethesda has provided us a browser version of the game, so people who have never played it can have a taste. And on the other hand, real old-schoolers can reminisce their lost youth and cry a little bit.
Have a nice war, mr. Blazkowicz!

Link for all countries (unless Germany):

ImageDas einzig wahre und echte Wolfenstein 3D, der Pionier des First-Person-Shooters, feiert nun seinen 20. Geburtstag in diesem Monat.
Auf diese Art hat Bethesda uns nun eine Browserversion des Spiels geliefert, so daß Leute, die es nie gespielt haben, einen Eindruck bekommen und alte Hasen sich in Erinnerungen begeben können.
Habe einen netten Krieg, mr. Blazkowicz!

Link für Deutschland: phoboslab.org...wolf3d  Wink

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Written by Wolffiles, May 17 2012 at 14:08


Hello dear community

Here want to we announce that we want to start at the weekend a small cup (event) the 26.05.2012.To 17 clock.

1. What for a kind of mod will be there?
Now we have opted for the final version of ET domination (Powerball)

2. What is this mod?
Here it comes one to find ball to move him in the tar of opponent in the middle of the map. Where to keep in mind is that you in the time where her the ball have not defecating can because her the ball otherwise away throws.

3. How is the points sytem?
Points are as follows in throwing 3 points, with pure Racing 7 points (Tuchdown).

4. How many players will be there?
We thought because of a 5 on 5 or 6 against 6.

5. How win man the map?
The team with the most points wins the map

6. is there a second half like the stopwatch mod?
No that won't we be notiren, which the team how often won by hand has.

7. Where can one register?
You can you here the post sign in so called ask us with how many people you want taken up, or whether you want participate as clan.

8. What is to bring?
A ET key, last current PunkBuster, ET version 2.60 or 2.60 (b) and sher have fun at play!

9. Can you win also what?
Yes but a BOT (not aim or Wallhack) directly, a bot your name on lifetime in the server will be inserted.

User friendly greeting with the-=Waff= - team
PS should ask be so contacted us over our wepsite or ts,.
the data you can all with us on the clan page find https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=claninfo&idx=165544


Source: lod#shadowwolf via Splatterladder Forum

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Written by RtCW4ever, May 14 2012 at 20:40



ImageWRECKAGE - As of now the standalone version of the popular Crysis singleplayer modification Wreckage is available for download.

"We are thrilled that, togehter with Crytek, we can give all PC-players the possibility to experience Wreckage in all of its variety: Wreckage throws you in the middle of a nonstop-action firework with superior vehicle combats, highly detailed landscapes and thunderous teamaction. Using the powerful CryEngine 2, Wreckage features technology like accurate lip synchronization, facial animations and the choice between english or spanish subtitles.
We hope that you'll enjoy the game just as much as we enjoyed its development.

ImageWRECKAGE - Filmreife Inszenierung, spannende Story und jede Menge Action: Wreckage verspricht Ballerspaß vom Feinsten im tropischen Crysis-Setting. Die einstige Mod ist jetzt als Standalone-Game erhältlich und lässt sich kostenlos und ohne das Hauptspiel zocken.

Eine Stunde Action pur
Die Spielzeit beträgt den Entwicklern zufolge zwar nur eine gute Stunde, die allerdings auf höchstem Niveau mit Action gefüllt wird: Aufwändige Inszenierungen der Kämpfe, Zwischensequenzen und die sowohl deutsch- als auch englischsprachige Vertonung können sich für ein kostenloses Spiel mehr als sehen und hören lassen. Apropos: Für die passende Optik sorgt die nach wie vor starke CryEngine 2.

Downloaden, starten, zocken
Wreckage kann ohne Crysis und komplett kostenlos gespielt werden. Entpacke einfach das 1,8 GByte große Archiv,  anschließend - je nach System - die Datei "Crysis_Wreckage.exe" im Ordner "Bin32" oder "Bin64" starten.

>>Pictures: Explosive Screenshots aus Wreckage


>>Video: Wreckage - Gratis-Game im Crysis-Universum

Quelle: Rhino Cracker via City-Forum | moddb.com

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Written by RtCW4ever, May 09 2012 at 19:17


ImageImageLike already for the World Championship in 2010, the German RtCW-clan (Delta Force Warriors) also offers this year, in cooperation with Wolfenstein4ever, the possibility on the games the UEFA European championchip  2012 of typing.

There are presents for the first five best typings in the value of over 150 euros! Cool

Besides the tips on single games, the European champion 2012 is guessed, on the top scorer and on some other small bonus bets.

Join fast and have a lot of fun with the bets & con-fevers of the EM 2012 and be happy on the chance winning a nice prize. The Prediction game has a auto tanslation by Google.

We wish all ones good luck and fun! Wink

Place 1: Razor Imperator Mouse + Razer Goliathus Mousepad
Place 2: Microsoft SideWinder x4 + Wolfenstein Shirt
Place 3: Sharkoon USB-Stick 32gb USB 3.0 + Wolfenstein Shirt
Place 4 + 5: Wolfenstein Shirt

ImageWie auch schon zur WM 2010, bietet euch der deutsche RtCW-Clan dFW (Delta Force Warriors) auch dieses Jahr, in kooperation mit  Wolfenstein4ever, die Möglichkeit auf die Spiele der UEFA EM 2012 zu tippen.

Es winken, den ersten fünf Besttippenden, Geschenke im Gesamtwert von über 150 Euro! Cool

Neben den Tipps auf einzelne Spiele, wird natürlich auch auf den Europameister 2012, auf den Torschützenkönig und auf einige andere kleine Bonuswetten getippt.

Melde dich schnell an, hab viel Spaß beim Wetten & Mitfiebern der EM 2012 und freue dich auf die Chance einen tollen Preis zu gwinnen. Der Countdown läuft.

Wir wünschen allen Beteiligten viel Gück und Spaß! Wink

--> EC-Prediction Game 2012 <--

Quelle: dFw-Clan | wolfenstein4ever

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Written by Wolffiles, May 06 2012 at 07:16


TZAC2 has been released. You have to update, the old TZAC cannot be used anymore.

Please note that the 'Start the game' button is gone - after you login, TZAC will automatically detect a running game (only one instance at a time) and keep running in background. You don't have to run TZAC again after you quit the game and decide to play again.

Screenshot capturing is temporarily disabled and will be put back online later.

If you're experiencing problems, please ask in this topic and do not create new ones.

You can uninstall the old version of TZAC by running the uninstaller from the start menu and then deleting the %APPDATA%TZAC folder on your computer manually.

NOTE: In some cases, you may have to reboot your computer if you started the old TZAC since the last boot.

UPDATE: If you want to fix the "Cannot load the driver, try running as administrator" error message, do this:

Open command prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator and type this: sc delete tizeqdrv


Source: TZAC

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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, Jan 25 2011 at 20:35

Due to some optimization on our registration system to prevent spam bots, new registrations are deactivated until 29th january. Until then the only chance of getting an account registered is to ask a friend to send one of our administrators a private message with your data.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
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Written by Wolffiles, May 05 2012 at 07:46


ETBlight 0.8x:

ETBlight is build on ETPub 0.9.1 (Surprise!).
99% of the original cvars are maintained.

ETBlight has focus on Primary Weapons and a new player-class called The Scientist.
ETBlight is intended for "fun-servers".

The godforsaken GUID-issue:

With professional help from 7killer and trustworthy old balls-of-open-source-steel etpub,
all GUID problems should be solved in ETBlight 0.8x.


Download ETBlight 0.8 here


Source: Splashdamage

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