... splatterladder is watching you!
Mr. Hopper!
played on Servers: 4
Damn, I'm good!
best map rating: 26.09
Batman in Siwa Oasis o...
Call me god!
best overall rating: 30.06
U don't have a woman?
most time played: 4.5 hrs
The best place
  TeamMuppet ETLegacy
Teuthis - 24 days 18 hours 14 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 25 days 5 hours 16 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
bugs - 25 days 19 hours 37 minutes agoFrohes Neues!
Teuthis - 26 days 19 hours 45 minutes ago@$mart assuming I quickly make another goldrush version, do have someone who can do the waypoints?
Teuthis - 27 days 13 hours 43 minutes ago…since clans prefer playing the 20 yr old graphic settings, I can’t make a new goldrush map
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Written by RtCW4ever, Feb 01 2013 at 19:12


ImageImage[UJE] Mountain Attack beta 1 is an allies objective map made by [UJE]Niek - The war is in its Early days and Axis forces have occupied a small French village, where they are Building a new Radar System, the Wurzburg Radar.

Allied Forces have to sneak into the village and escape with the Radar Parts. This will be a lethal battle where only the Strongest will Survive.


Allies objective:
*Destroy the main entrance of the radar building
*Destroy steal the radarpart and bring it to the truck
*Escort the truck
*Build the commandpost to get a new spawn

Image[UJE] Mountain Attack Beta 1 ist eine Alliierten Objectiv-Map, erstellt von [UJE]Niek - Der Krieg ist in seinen frühen Tagen und die Achsenmächte haben ein kleines französisches Dorf besetzt, wo sie ein neues Radar-System bauen, das Würzburg Radar.

Die Alliierten müssen sich ins Dorf schleichen und mit den Radar-Bauteilen entkommen. Dies wird eine letale Schlacht, wo nur die Stärksten überleben werden.



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Written by RtCW4ever, Jan 31 2013 at 18:25



ImageGet ready to deploy, Soldier! We’re hugely excited to announce that the Dirty Bomb Closed Alpha has officially begun, and we’ve started mailing out alpha keys to members of the Dirty Bomb Founder’s Club. If you’ve already joined up, keep checking your inbox. If you’re dying to get into the Closed Alpha, visit the Founder’s Club website . You’ll be directly supporting Dirty Bomb’s development, and are able to shape what the game becomes through your feedback.

Dirty Bomb is powered by a great little tool we call Echo, and it’s a big part of why we’re able to give you access to Dirty Bomb this early in development. Developed by the talented chaps over at Fireteam, Echo basically collects and visualises detailed data from all of Dirty Bomb’s multiplayer servers, allowing us to balance and optimise the game in ways we couldn’t before.
We’re so excited by Echo that we’ve put together a brand-new video showcasing its role in Dirty Bomb’s development. Take a look:


ImageDas Team von Splash Damage hat einen wichtigen Meilenstein bei der Entwicklung des Free2Play-Shooters Dirty Bomb erreicht. Wie aus einer offiziellen Meldung hervorgeht, hat vor kurzem die sogenannte Closed-Alpha begonnen.

Wer an diesem geschlossenen Alpha-Test teilnehmen möchte, muss sich zunächst auf der offiziellen Webseite für den kostenpflichtigen »Founder's Club« anmelden. Allerdings ist der Zugang zur Alpha nur dann mit sofortiger Wirkung garantiert, wenn du dich für die 120 Dollar teure Legendary-Variante entscheidest, die noch weitere Extras (zum Beispiel ein T-Shirt und ein digitales Fan-Kit) mit sich bringt. Die anderen Varianten garantieren zumindest eine bevorzugte Auswahl bei den Teilnehmern.

Wie lange die Closed-Alpha laufen wird, ist bisher allerdings noch nicht bekannt. Unter anderem kommt Dave Johnston zu Wort, der einst die Karte Dust für Counter-Strike designt hat.

Quelle: SplashDamage | Gamestar

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Written by RtCW4ever, Jan 27 2013 at 19:45

ImageImageWhat is it?
ETrun is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory timerun mod. The goal of a timerun is to get from the start of the map to the end as fast as possible.

How does it work?
ETrun has 3 different physics:
    * Vanilla (VET)    * Vanilla Quake 3 (VQ3)    * Advanced Physics (AP)

It's heavily based on competition between players, your goal is to get the best times as possible and to compete with your friends.
ImageWas ist das?
ETrun ist eine Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Timerun Mod. Das Ziel eines Timeruns ist es, eine Map, vom Start bis zum Ende, so schnell wie möglich zu erreichen.

Wie funktioniert es?
ETrun hat 3 verschiedene Physik:
     * Vanilla (VET)     * Vanilla Quake 3 (VQ3)     * Advanced Physics (AP)

Es basiert überwigend auf den Wettbewerb zwischen den Spielern. Ihr Ziel ist es, die besten Zeiten wie möglich zu erreichen und mit Freunden zu konkurrieren.

Links and Map Downloads
Timeruns community site: timeruns.net


Official game servers: timeruns.net/servers/

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Written by Wolffiles, Jan 17 2013 at 06:13


Change log: Version 0.6.3

Fixed: Incompatibility with ET Legacy binaries introduced in 0.6.2.


Download the mod here


Source: MyGamingTalk

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Written by RtCW4ever, Jan 14 2013 at 19:28


ImageHighlights of last years Adroits LAN have been posted on Adroits' facebook page. The video includes action from Enemy Territory as well as Quakelive Duel and Quakelive Nations TDM.

ImageHighlights aus der letztjährigen Adroits LAN, auch gepostet auf der Adroits 'Facebook-Seite. Das Video enthält Szenen von Enemy Territory, sowie von QuakeLive Duel, QuakeLive Nations TDM und von dem Adroits-Event selbst.



Quelle: crossfire.nu

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Written by Wolffiles, Jan 11 2013 at 14:04


Lay down your spoons and get your knifes out!
This sunday we will see who is the best with the dagger.
Join us on A2 at 20:00 cet.

Find out more HERE
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Written by RtCW4ever, Jan 07 2013 at 18:36


ImageImageMerlinator presents the fifth video from the RtCW Fall Cup 2012 with impressive moments.

Starring:  abort,  bloxzin,  bully,  crumbs,  homie,  jam,  lelle,  leonneke,  MerlinatoR,  osiris,  owzo,  sharky,  ZeD

ImageMerlinator präsentiert das fünfte Video aus dem RtCW Fall Cup 2012 mit beeindruckenden Momentaufnahmen.


Download HD

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Written by Wolffiles, Jan 05 2013 at 07:51


Dear GGC-server admin,


during the last days there were several rumors about the future of GGC. Please accept our apologies,  but it wasn't possible to give you any detailed explanations or direct messages earlier, as we had to ensure that the data was secured, restored and working again. GGC-Stream will continue! We are aware about the rumors, but rest assured, these are just rumors.
There are some changes though:
• We have a new web address (GGC-Stream.NET). Please update your bookmarks.
• Because of a new forum software, it is necessary for you, to set up a new password. Use the "Lost password" function found in the forum. https://board.ggc-stream.net/index.php?form=LostPassword
• During the move, we were not be able to work on any tickets or etc, therefore you may have to wait longer for your answer. All tickets, servers and bans have been migrated successfully to our new system and they will be available again shortly.
We apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered. All your tickets, servers and bans have survived the move and are available after a few changes. (If any)
sincerely your
GGC-admin staff
Source: ggc-newsletter | ggc-stream


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Written by Wolffiles, Jan 03 2013 at 13:14


TNT|*Cinco has released a new version of the map Streets of Italy 

-New Spawn Allies

- Acces to new areas spawn Allies

-New Location of the CommandPost

-Acces new areas spawn Axis

-Changing the final tour Jeep


Thanks for the original map IndyJones, Pazur and Isbowhten.

Download or test the map here


Source: TNT|*Cinco via Splatterladder | Clan TNT

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Written by Wolffiles, Jan 02 2013 at 07:22


The year 2013 is not two days old and we see the first bad news.

GGC-Stream.com has closed it´s doors.



Hello friends, acquaintances and communities,

sadly we have to inform you, that GGC-Stream will close its doors at 12/31/2012.

The Reason for this is that the personal background of some staff members has changed.

Another important reason is the missing cooperation which has always been the spirit and purpose of GGC-Stream.

Hereby we don't think of the anti cheat communities but the publishers and evenbalance as they don't provide real support for projects like GGC.

Furthermore Punkbuster has gotten vulnerable to miscellaneous modifications. We from GGC can't take responsibility for this way.

Sure, Punkbuster still does a good job, but it drops out more and more evidences that are needed for the work of GGC.

We are very grateful for your long lasting loyalty and for standing 100% behind us.

Even when there were some disagreements or when GGC was dragged in the mud on other boards.

Therefore a really big T H A N K Y O U to everyone of you.

Sorry folks this is a hard step for GGC but the basic idea got lost.

This basic idea was “together against cheaters”.

Sadly this is a lost project without the support from the publishers or PunkBuster (EvenBalance).

Thanks to all who supported us.

We wish all friends, acquaintances and the community all the best for the future.

Also  a happy new year.

Yours GGC-Staff


Source: GGC


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Written by Wolffiles, Dec 29 2012 at 17:27



MyGamingTalk has released a new Version of the silEnT mod

Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client.

Click HERE to see the full changelog 


Download the mod here

Source: Mateos via SB | MyGamingTalk

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Written by RtCW4ever, Dec 29 2012 at 11:42


ImageImageNew Snipermap UJE Snowy Sniper beta 3 made by [UJE] Niek - It's winter again ,cold weeks with snow ,it's the best time to sniper a bit that's why this map is set in a snowy atmosphere. It's a crossable map but most entrances of the houses are safe.
Hope you have fun in this map and have some nice holidays with you're family.

ImageNeue Snipermap UJE Snowy Sniper Beta 3 erstellt von [UJE] Niek - Es ist wieder Winter, kalte Wochen mit Schnee, die beste Zeit um ein wenig zu snipern, weshalb diese Map eine verschneite Atmosphäre hat. Es ist eine überkreutzbare Map, aber die meisten Eingänge der Häuser sind sicher.
Wünsche euch viel Spaß auf dieser Map, und habt ein paar erholsame Feiertage mit euren Familien.




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Written by Wolffiles, Dec 23 2012 at 13:26


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Written by RtCW4ever, Dec 21 2012 at 00:07


ImageImageHUU? You can read this news? Cool! Laughing Then the Maya calendar is probably still wrong. Because you can now continue to enjoy your life, we have for you a cool ET trickjump movie, called "UseMe Movie II - Orgyanal Dickhumping by AciZ" to watch. Cool

RtCW4ever wishes still much fun in real life. Wink


ImageHUU? Du kannst diese News lesen? Cool! Laughing Dann ist der Maya-Kalender wohl doch verkehrt. Weil du jetzt weiterhin dein Leben geniessen kannst, haben wir für dich einen coolen ET Trickjump-Film, Namens "UseMe Movie II - Orgyanal Dickhumping by AciZ", zum angucken.

RtCW4ever wünscht weiterhin viel Spaß, im "normalen" Leben. Wink


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Written by RtCW4ever, Dec 14 2012 at 16:25


ImageWe have two new RtCW and two new ET movies our file repository added. All movies are of good quality and show frag highlights.

ImageWir haben zwei neue RtCW und zwei neue ET-Movies unserer Download-Datenbank hinzugefügt. Alle Filme haben eine gute Qualität und zeigen Frag-Highlights.

RtCW Moments - Week 3+4The Last RtCW Movie 2
ET: Ratte-The Mini MovieET: baq - forever low 2

Click Image to download

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