... splatterladder is watching you!
Mr. Hopper!
played on Servers: 4
Damn, I'm good!
best map rating: 30.27
Batman in Gold Rush of...
Call me god!
best overall rating: 31.98
U don't have a woman?
most time played: 3.2 hrs
The best place
  TeamMuppet ETLegacy
$mart - 18 days 11 hours 2 minutes agoIt's a masterpiece, thanks Teuthis !
Teuthis - 21 days 7 hours 32 minutes agoToday I released two new versions of goldrush, named Goldrush Revival v1 and v2
Reggyman - 35 days 14 hours 19 minutes agoa only ae sniper challenge server would be great again
Teuthis - 62 days 2 hours 51 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 62 days 13 hours 53 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
Recent forum posts Recent forum activity
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macbeth - You will not be forgotten
DoubleDragon 17 days 23 hours 51 minutes ago
New Maps: Goldrush Revival v1 and v2
Teuthis 21 days 7 hours 23 minutes ago
New Maps: Goldrush Revival v1 and v2
Teuthis 21 days 7 hours 24 minutes ago
CLAN-REGISTRATIONS: W:ET Clantag - Register/Questions - Topic
schnoog 53 days 4 hours 19 minutes ago
[map] Grotli winter edition
Meister Gandalf 72 days 20 hours 52 minutes ago
*** NEWS *** NEWS *** NEWS *** NEWS *** NEWS *** News filter
Written by RtCW4ever, Nov 29 2016 at 18:37


Great news! The Return to Castle Wolfenstein Master list is back!!!

ID-Software started the official master server back up.
After the RtCW master list was offline for several years, it appears id Software has fixed their master servers.
A patched WolfMP executable is no longer needed in order to retrieve a server list!

Important for ALL RtCW server owners: Change the "sv_master entries" as follows ...
seta sv_master1 "dpmaster.deathmask.net"
seta sv_master2 "wolfmaster.s4ndmod.com"
seta sv_master3 "wolfmaster.rtcwmp.com"
seta sv_master4 "wolfmaster.idsoftware.com"

Spread the news!

rtcw masterlist

Großartige Neuigkeit! Die Return to Castle Wolfenstein Master-Liste ist wieder zurück!!!

ID-Software hat das offizielle Master-Server-Backup gestartet.
Nachdem die RtCW Master-Liste für mehrere Jahre offline war, hat id Software ihre Master-Server repariert und wieder online geschaltet.  
Eine gepatchte WolfMP-Datei wird jetzt nicht mehr benötigt, um eine Serverliste abzurufen!

Wichtig für ALLE RtCW Server-Eigentümer: Ändere die "sv_master Einträge" wie folgt...
seta sv_master1 "dpmaster.deathmask.net"
seta sv_master2 "wolfmaster.s4ndmod.com"
seta sv_master3 "wolfmaster.rtcwmp.com"
seta sv_master4 "wolfmaster.idsoftware.com"

Verbreite die Neuigkeit!

» read more on RtCW4ever
Written by Wolffiles, Nov 28 2016 at 06:56


SM-Mapping aka Sage and Pegazus have released the new version River Port B1



"After over a year of testing and balancing the map it is time to release this exciting map! The map download includes advanced omnibot waypoints. This map is released as first beta to hear wider feedback, but it feels like final. Enjoy!"


Allied intelligence have found out about Axis testing V2 missile in one of their Submarines. While the missile could be launched underwater it would be devastating to New York, London and other Allied Capitals. A group of Allies special forces are sent to sabotage the mission and use the Axis weapon against theirselves.

Objective for attacking team:

1] Escort the M8 Greyhound to the road facing their Headquarter
2] Destroy their Anti-Tank Gun
3] Destroy their Tank Barrier
4] Breach the Headquarter Entrace with the M8 Greyhound
5] Send a false command for the Axis U-boat to come to port
6] Steal the V2 Launch Code and secure it into the U-boat Controls
7] Construct a V2 launch hack at the U-boat Controls
8] Launch the V2 missile from the U-boat Controls



Download or test the map here


Source: Sage via Splatterladder

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Written by Wolffiles, Nov 21 2016 at 15:05


= Thud in the Sand - Beta 2 =


This WuTangH's latest release of his Wolf ET map, "Thud in the Sand".


- Another bunker entrance.
- Chevy (green) Truck moved to the new bunker exit on the other side of mountain.
- A little performance fix, but it's still quite bad.
- Fixed shaders bug of water & sky textures that bugged textures on other maps in map-rotations.
- Fixed objective deliver points, so you can't capture the Key and other objectives at Truck anymore.
- Another floors on buldings, roofs, plus many more brushwork.
- Changed spawntimes to balance map a little.
- Stones at waterfall are not models anymore, but brushes.
- Tunnel terrain is not so flat anymore.
- 2nd allied spawn is devided on two positions (under one spawnpoint)
- Added objective cameras in limbo menu.
- Added pipeline holders so they look more real.
- All cables are non-solid now and will not block jumping players in tunnels anymore.
- Configstrings - all soundscripts are called just s[number], that's all I could do about it.
- Brushes, entities, textures, and scripts cleanup.
- Truck barrier has new design.
- Added missing sound when The Key is dropped, or delivered to the Safe.
- 1024x1024 command map




Download the new map version HERE

Source - Splashdamage - WuTangH

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Written by RtCW4ever, Nov 19 2016 at 13:37


Return to Castle Wolfenstein, is proud 15 years old. RtCW, developed by ID Software, published by Activision, was released to the North American market on November 19th, 2001.

Release date(s):
Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Enjoy remaining RtCW time!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein WIKI

Image snapshot in memory of my missing friend Steve aka SAV007

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Written by RtCW4ever, Nov 18 2016 at 21:14


ET Map - Thud in the Sand beta 2 - This is a Enemy Territory Allied-attack map created by WuTangH. The map environment is situated in a small Egyptian-styled town and ends up in underground Axis bunkers.

Allied Objectives
Primary: Steal the Dynamite and deliver it to the truck.
Primary: Escort the truck and destroy the city gate.
Primary: Destroy the tunnels gate to gain access into underground bunkers.
Primary: Use the button in the control cabin to move the rockets out of safe.
Primary: Steal the Captains key from his table and deliver it to the safe to open it.
Primary: Steal the case, moneypack 1 and moneypack 2 and deliver them to the green truck in the rich part of city.
Secondary: Destroy the hovel wall to gain one more access point that leads to the dynamite.

Changelog b2:
- Another bunker enterance.
- Chevy (green) Truck moved to the new bunker exit on the other side of mountain.
- A little performance fix, but it's still quite bad.
- Fixed shaders bug of water & sky textures that bugged textures on other maps in map-rotations.
- Fixed objective deliver points, so you can't capture the Key and other objectives at Truck anymore.
- Another floors on buldings, roofs, plus many more brushwork.
- Changed spawntimes to balance map a little.
- Stones at waterfall are not models anymore, but brushes.
- Tunnel terrain is not so flat anymore.
- 2nd allied spawn is devided on two positions (under one spawnpoint)
- Added objective cameras in limbo menu.
- Added pipeline holders so they look more real.
- All cables are non-solid now and will not block jumping players in tunnels anymore.
- Configstrings - all soundscripts are called just s[number], that's all I could do about it.
- Brushes, entities, textures, and scripts cleanup.
- Truck barrier has new design.
- Added missing sound when The Key is dropped, or delivered to the Safe.


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Written by Wolffiles, Nov 17 2016 at 15:19


= WolfenDoom - Blade of Agony =

= Chapter 1 - The Staff of Kings =


Blade of Agony is a story-driven FPS. The project is inspired by WWII shooters from the 90's and early 2000's, like Wolfenstein 3D, Medal of Honor, and Call of Duty, but with faster-paced gameplay in the spirit of Doom! The game can be played standalone using the GZDoom engine as a base.


It's 1944, and the war approaches its peak. The U.S. has joined the Allied forces, and the Soviets are pushing back the front in the east. The tides of war are turning, and the Führer's victory seems more and more beyond his grasp. However, the Axis Forces, refusing to capitulate, have grown obsessed with human experiments and occult artifacts, in which they see a potential escape from their final Doom. The Allied leaders reject this possibility as nonsense, nonetheless, some still fear what the Führer might be up to. The situation is nebulous, however, and little is certain.

You are Cpt. William "B.J." Blazkowicz, an Allied spy, a fearless risk-taker, and the greatest soldier to ever take up arms in World War II. Your role has changed, though; you've retired from active duty, and now you spearhead operations as a systems analyst. You thought it would be the right choice--leading and motivating instead of doing the dirty work--but lately you've grown restless. At least until a few days ago, when you received an encrypted message from your old friend and comrade Cpt. Douglas Blake, calling you back to duty...


Blade of Agony is much more than just a pastiche of the classic shooters that inspired it; the project will offer a unique experience. It also has many features not often seen in source port projects--Blade of Agony truly pushes GZDoom to its limits.

  • 7 playable and unique levels in Chapter One (over 20 in the full game)
  • Orchestra-quality game music
  • Voice acting and ambient soundscapes
  • A combination of low-poly models and sprite assets to create the perfect retro feeling
  • Devastating armaments from the battlefields of WWII
  • Interactive NPCs that support the twisted plot's progress and help you understand the game
  • Beautiful special effects (weather, elements, explosions, etc.)
  • Much, much more!


Download WolfenDoom (standalone version) HERE

WolfenDoom website HERE

Source - Splashdamage - WL6

IMPORTANT NOTE!!! The boa.exe maybe is infected with an trojan.

Play this game at your own risk


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Written by Wolffiles, Nov 10 2016 at 16:41


= The Wolf Team Anniversary =


On this day, 10.11.2016, the Wolfteam turned 3 years old. This is what Thunder, Founder of The Wolfteam, had to say about the past 3 years:

"The WolfTeam was created on November 10th, 2013. As far as I remember, Mateos and Acqu were the first to join me on the idea of the creation of a helpful forum for modders and mappers of the game Wolfenstein Enemy-Territory. Since then, the community has grown and is still growing. Actually, it has become bigger than I ever hoped for. We are now, as I write this, up to 69 site members.

We have fun helping each other and even if you aren't the best in English we do our best to help you. We had a bit of a bumpy start, with website attacks and Clans that thought we would be a new rival Clan that would bring other Clans down. However, slowly but surely, people started to finally understand that we are not a Clan, that we're actually just a community, dedicated  to bringing out new maps and mods for them to play.

Today, several Clan leaders and members of different parties have joined in and are creating, supporting or commenting on the stuff that we do for Wolf ET. We've always kept to the rules, "Real life comes first" and "There is nothing you HAVE to do". We are a free community where everybody can join, as long as they behave.

This year we have joined forces with ET:Legacy, to keep Wolf ET fresh and somewhat better looking in the hopes of bringing back some of the old players and maybe some new ones to the game too. As long as I see that there is activity and nice people helping each other I will keep this site going."

Wolf ET Forever!!

Best Regards,


For this anniversary a game night will be held on Desperados silEnT server, featuring a few maps created by TWT community members. This Saturday 12.11 from 8pm CET.

Desperados server ip: 


The Wolfteam website HERE

Source - Desperados Clan -  |D| - Ray





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Written by Wolffiles, Nov 09 2016 at 16:22


= Mountain Pass - Beta 3 =


This is the latest release of "Mountain Pass", created by Devils Right Hand.


= Storyline

The Axis forces have hidden an enormous stash of gold and priceless artwork in old, abandoned mines, somewhere in the mountains. The Allies have been unable to locate this stash, however, Allied HQ received intel that secret documents, pertaining to the whereabouts of this stash, are located in a nearby mountain village.

The Allied squad must locate and infiltrate this village, steal the top secret documents, steal a truck and make their escape back to Allied HQ.

= Screenshots


Download the new version HERE

Source - Splashdamage - Devils Right Hand


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Written by RtCW4ever, Nov 07 2016 at 18:36


ETJump 2.1.0 is ready!

ETJump is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory trickjump modification. It is being actively developed by Zero, XIS, Vallz and Ryven.

New devs
We have 3 new developers that are working on various things for the mod. XIS joined the ETJump development team last year and has been working on trickjump lines (a feature from ETPro that allows players to record routes for jumps and display them later). Vallz joined in March and has been working on features to get more statistics on player performance. Ryven also joined in April and is working on client / UI enhancements...

More important ETJump innovations and information here... forum.etjump.com

    Extended target_relay:
        spawnflags 8: only fires targets if the activating player is currently timerunning
        spawnflags 16: only fires targets if the activating player is currently NOT timerunning
    Added speed_limit key to target_starttimer.
    Timer will not be started if player's speed is higher than the value. Default value is 700.
    Added etj_drawTokens.
    Added etj_enableTimeruns.
    Fixed issues with timerun timer.
    Added trigger_tracker and target_tracker.
    A replacement for target_activate that's easier to use and allows more complex designs.
    Fixed lines ending with a ^ breaking newlines.
    g_banners to enable/disable banners altogether.
    Client side autoexec for map specific configs. (autoexec_mapname.cfg).
    Added spawnflags 1 to target_remove_portals to disable the text print.
    Added target_interrupt_timerunto stop any timerun without setting a record.
    Added target_set_health.
    Set's activator's health to the value specified by the health key.
    Spawnflags 1 to set once per life.
    Fixed a likely crash on linux client.
    Added cvars to control ghost player's transparency:


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Written by Wolffiles, Oct 29 2016 at 19:54


UJE Niek released the new version (b3) of UJE halloween



The theme is set to halloween
Axis have invaded a ghosttown and they have hidden some halloween parts in the ghosthouse.
Allies have to get the halloween parts and escort them with the truck to theire base
There are lot's of ghosts in this town so....
Beware and don't get killed by some traps and ghosts and spiders
Have lot's of fun.

Axis objective:

*Defend the ghosthouse gate
*Build the baricade
*Fix commandpost
*Hold the flagspawn
*Defend the halloween parts
*stop the truck

Allied objective

*Build the commandpost for closer spawn
*Destroy the ghosthouse gate
*Steal the halloween parts
*Escort the truck


Test or download the map here

Sources : Niek via Splatterladder

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Written by Wolffiles, Oct 27 2016 at 07:18


Tardis released his new map (Bramburg)- Dam Revenge V2

(Bramburg)- Dam Revenge V2 is an conversion of Splashdamage's RtCW Map Mp_Dam


Scenario information
Allied - "Prevent the Axis forces to destroy the Dam and Steal The Important Documents."
Axis - "Steal The Tank to Gain access to the Allied Dam and Steal The Important Documents."
Neutral - "Axis forces are attempting to re-capture the Bramburg Dam . Axis forces have to make there way through the Allied Defences, blow up the main doors and repair the Generator and Escape with the Documents, Allies must prevent this from happening!"


Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**The Tank must be stolen in order to blow open the doors of the Dam to get to the Allied Documents secured within."
2 "Primary Objective:**Blow Dam door."
3 "Primary Objective:**Blow Big door."
4 "Primary Objective:**Steal The Documents."
5 "Primary Objective:**Repair the Generator"
6 "Primary Objective:**Escape with the Documents."
7 "Primary Objective:**Blow Pressure Pipes."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build Command post."


Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**The Tank must be stopped from reaching the Dam and allowing the Axis to gain entry to the Dam."
2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from using the Tank to blow open the Dam doors"
3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from using the Tank to blow open the Big doors"
4 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis Stealing The Documents."
5 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Generator"
6 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis Escaping with the Documents."
7 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from Destroying Pressure Pipes."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build Command post."



Test or download the map here


Sources: Tardis via Splatterladder | Splashdamage Forum

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Written by Wolffiles, Oct 22 2016 at 07:53



Xmas - Pack - 2016 - all in One

DSK_Baldi made a collection of different packs and files from various mappers and modders.

Package was testet in Noquarter 1.2.9 b6 but maybe it works in other mods as well

Content : Xmas truck + Coca Cola sound, xmas dynamite, xmas mines,
xmas knifes, xmas mortar, xmas pf, xmas sarchel, xmas smoke, Command Post Xmas and some other nice looking mods

Extra content : Screenshots, Extra Sounds As well as a selection of great Xmas maps

Have fun!!!

Download here

Source : DSK-Clan

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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, Dec 18 2015 at 16:49


6.12.2015 KW1 - Christmas Mod - Oh, Chistmastree!

The Kernwaffe Team wishes you all a merry christmas time!

Away from the joyful things which the pre-christmas time might bring us,
on KW1 there will be running the much-loved and extremely appreciated and multiply desired ChristmasMod. From St.Nicholas Day (6.12) on until the New Years Day (1.1). You will find handpicked & well-chosen Christmas Maps in accompany with a full atmosphere of first class christmassy sound snippets.

!lastchristmas we gave you our hearts,
this year there will be a Tännchen (!attention) - !hohoho

In case some of you don´t like all this X-Mas hustle and bustle for various reasons, join like-minded people on KW2 for a collective (un-XMassy) fragging - without ChristmasMod!
KW2 has the same settings and the same campaign like KW1 in this time.

In any way ...
... we wish you a merry time & nice play!

... we are looking forward to you :)

This year with incredibly more tinsel!

Yours KW-Team

connect ...
KW1 et.kernwaffe.de
KW2 et2.kernwaffe.de

Hugs ANO
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Written by Wolffiles, Oct 12 2016 at 14:25


= Syphonfilter Beta 2 =


This is the latest release of Wolf ET map, "Syphonfilter", created by Devils Right Hand.

= Storyline

It's the year 1999 and international terrorist Erich Rhoemer is running his drug cartel in Costa Rica, which he uses to finance his notorious terrorist activity. Deep in his private compound he has created his own bioweapons laboratory, where his team of evil scientists have produced a virus called "syphonfilter".

This is a genetic-specific bioweapon which has the ability to target and destroy individual Races. Rhoemer has sent a ransom demand of 100 million dollars to the American Whitehouse, warning them that if his demands are not met he will fire his first missile at the city, which will cause an estimated 100.000 deaths.

However, Rhoemer's missile is not located in Costa Rica, where the virus was developed. Satellite surveillance has revealed that he has constructed the missile in a old Soviet base in Rozovka in Kazahkhstan. Your mission is to infiltrate the base, destroy the missile, all computer equipment and escape with the "syphonfilter" documents.

= Screenshots

Download the new map HERE

Source - SplashDamage - Devils Right Hand

The Wolf Team website HERE


» read more on Wolffiles
Written by Wolffiles, Oct 10 2016 at 12:45


= Mountain Pass Beta 2 =

= Created by Devils Right Hand =


= Storyline

The Axis forces have hidden an enormous stash of gold and priceless artwork in old, abandoned mines, somewhere in the mountains. The Allies have been unable to locate this stash, however, Allied HQ received intel that secret documents, pertaining to the whereabouts of this stash, are located in a nearby mountain village.

The Allied squad must locate and infiltrate this village, eliminate all Axis troops, destroy the Axis radio communications in order to prevent reinforcements being called in, steal the top secret documents, steal a truck and make their escape back to Allied HQ.

= Screenshots

Download the new map HERE

The Wolf Team's website HERE

Source - Splashdamage - Devils Right Hand


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