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MAPINFO FOR: exodus_a4b
ET: exodus_a4b

Votes: 18 Rating: 82%
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Name: Exodus alpha4*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
1. Don't let the Allies get The Flag! You must hold this point of the city until reinforcements arrive!
2. Guard the Getto Wall! Don't let the Allies to blow it up with dynamite! If they do that- the city will be lost
3. Prevent the Allies from destroying The Church Doors!
They can't take their hands to Radio Transmitter!
4. Guard The Tower's Secret Entrance! Even a satchel charge can destroy the seal!
5. Don't let the Allies steal The Radio Parts from the church! If they do that the whole battle will be lost 6. Build The Command Post!
7. Mind the weak wall. The Allies can blow it up!
8. The Allies will be able to escape using The Sacristy Window if they destroy it's bars!

1. Capture The Flag and hold this part of The City! From this place it will be much more easy to get to The Church.
2. Blow up The Getto Wall! If you do that The City will be yours!
3. Destroy The Church Doors and get inside.
4. Find and blow up The Tower's Secret Entrance to The Church! You can use a satchel charge to break the seal.
5. Steal The Radio Transmitter Parts and take them to The Command Post!
6. Build The Command Post!
7. You will be able to use this alternative entrance if you blow up the weak wall.
8. Destroy The Sacristy Window bars and use new escape way!


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