... splatterladder is watching you!
Information and settings about the serverlist
Some consideration about the permanentfilter:
The permanentfilter is always active, no need to turn it on. If you have the feeling to get not enough servers in result than remove some filter-criteria. You will find detailed help in our Wiki.
Number of shown servers:
Number of servers per page.
Filtering according to player-number
Maximum number of player:
show only server with maximal player...
Show full servers:
Yes No
Minimum number of player:
show only server with minimum player...
Show empty servers:
Yes No
Filtering of serverproperties
not filtered
Passworded Servers
not filtered
Heavy Weapons Restriction
not filtered
Limited Lives
not filtered
Balanced Teams
not filtered
not filtered
Friendly Fire
not filtered
not filtered
Buffer Overflow Protected (ET 2.60b)
not filtered
Bots on Server
not filtered
not filtered
Server streams to an anti cheat community
not filtered
High Definition ET
not filtered
Mod specific anticheat
not filtered
Map-Voting (118 Servers)
not filtered
Objective (98 Servers)
not filtered
Campaign (44 Servers)
not filtered
Last Man Standing (25 Servers)
not filtered
Stopwatch (22 Servers)
not filtered
(gametype.7) (14 Servers)
not filtered
(gametype.5) (1 Servers)
not filtered
ET 2.60 (276 Servers)
not filtered
RtCW 1.40/1.41 (15 Servers)
not filtered
RtCW 1.0 (15 Servers)
not filtered
TCE 2.60 (12 Servers)
not filtered
ET 2.55 (10 Servers)
not filtered
ET 2.56 (2 Servers)
not filtered
ET (2 Servers)
not filtered
ioRtCW (2 Servers)
not filtered
ETF 2.60 (2 Servers)
not filtered
Filtering according to server-origin
Europe (124 Servers)
not filtered
World (105 Servers)
not filtered
North America (100 Servers)
not filtered
Asia (5 Servers)
not filtered
Oceania (1 Servers)
not filtered
Middle East (1 Servers)
not filtered
Name or IP address:
  Show mod:
# Game Ranked Server Name Map Player   Mod: Properties Status Ping
1 (1 rp) RtCW 1.40/1.41 Server not ranked
Beach Invasion of... 0 (+26) / 64 omnibot 0.82b ONLINE  
2 (1 rp) RtCW 1.40/1.41 Server not ranked
Beach Invasion of... 0 (+28) / 32 omnibot 0.85 ONLINE  
3 (1 rp) RtCW 1.0 Bots on server - server not ranked
Beach Invasion of... 0 (+26) / 64 S4NDMoD 2.5.0  ONLINE  
4 (1 rp) ioRtCW Ranking enabled for this server
ECGNetwork.Co 24/7 Beach
Beach Invasion of... 0 / 64 shrub  IDLE  

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