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MAPINFO FOR: raw_final
ET: raw_final

Votes: 51 Rating: 80%
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(show servers with raw_final)
Name: Raw Castle final*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
1. Steal the secret Documents.
2. Transmit the Documents.
3. Blow up the Main Wall and secure the Forward Spawn.
4. Destroy the Castle Main Door.
5. Blow up the Vault Door guarding the Documents.
6. Capture the Tower Spawn.
7. Destroy the Side Wall and get easier access to the Axis Castle.
8. Construct the command post.

1. Protect the Documents.
2. Prevent allies from transmitting the Documents.
3. Defend the Main Wall.
4. Defend the Castle Main Door.
5. Defend or construct the Vault Door guarding the Documents.
6. Don't let them capture the Tower Spawn.
7. Prevent allies from destroying the Castle Side Wall.
8. Construct the command post.


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