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MAPINFO FOR: ga_el_kef
ET: ga_el_kef

Votes: 59 Rating: 78%
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Name: GA El Kef final*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
El Kef is a city taken over by the Axis forces in order backup and cover the Tunisian coast.
An allied squad is sent over to El Kef to rob a radio transmitter so Axis forces can receive the
crypted messages of Axis defense points.

The map is split in 2 main sections:

- A first section where the aim is to rush for a forward spawn flag and destroy a main entrance
gate. This section is similar to the first part of oasis because the flag and objective are close
and a team door allows an attacking team covert ops to open a direct access to the final objective

- A second section where the aim is to steal an objective and return it to a truck. There are several
ways of reaching this objective, and an important one is a command post which provides an advanced spawn
for the team that sets it up.

Map Contents:

- 1 neutral command post
- 3 different spawns for allies, 2 for axis
- 1 objective to rob (radio transmitter)
- 1 extraction point (truck)
- 1 constructible defense for the defending team (satchel breakable)
- 2 health & ammo racks

List of changes since last version:

- removed the dynamitable wall that leads to the command post. This seemed to slow down allies to much and let axis build the CP before any allies can even get close to it. The hallways right after that wall also devides in 2 paths to weaken the
defense around the command post
- changed axis respawn time to 30 seconds instead of 25 (when not over serveradmin modified)
- the room overlooking the flag courtyard has been opened up onto a balcony, giving a better offense to allies who no longer
need to jump out of the windows to get in the courtyard
- the ladder near the forward spawn flag has been enlarged and moved against the wall since many players got stuck
trying to jump down
- the constructible door defending the last objective has been removed, making the map much harder to defend
- the hallways and courtyard just after the city main gate have all been enlarged. This will greatly reduce spawn camping abilities of axis players
- enlarged the axis last spawn door way. It was extremely narrow, only allowing 1 player to run out at a time
- removed detail in the different critical paths to reduce congestion
- FPS have been greatly improved. In some sections of the map, they are 3 times better than SW El Kef
- the allies now spawn directly under the big woodden shelter of the first courtyard. This makes them gain a couple of seconds on axis and makes it harder to spawnkill them
- fixed a couple of graphical bugs & glitches
- ammo & health racks in first courtyard have been moved over to the opposite side
- fiddled with trigger entites to make the picking up & dropping off of the objective easier. This should avoid players needing to jump on the table / truck pick up / secure the objective.

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