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MAPINFO FOR: flakstuff_fp
ET: flakstuff_fp

Votes: 5 Rating: 50%
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(show servers with flakstuff_fp)
Name: Flakstuff first playable
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - Own Link
Switzerland, 1943. The Allies have stolen four new Flak Ammo for Big Flak.
The Axis ones must steal these 3 new Flak Ammos and escape with them to the
Big Flak Gun.

- Construct a ladder to Bunker
- Destroy the Guard Walls on roof of main Bunker
- Destroy the Guard Fence near Observatorium
- Construct a command post
- Destroy the ladder to bunker.
- Construct Guard Walls on the roof of main Bunker
- Construct a Guard Fence near Observatorium
- Construct a command post

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