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MAPINFO FOR: lighthouse
ET: lighthouse

Votes: 171 Rating: 78%
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(show servers with lighthouse)
Name: Lighthouse final*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
Allies have set up a command centre on a small chalkstone island, housing a lighthouse off the South coast of England. Axis are attempting to dissable it.

1. Blow up Light at the top of the lighthouse tower
2. Blow up command bunker comms room
3. Blow up anti ship gun emplacement

There are also 3 entrances that need to be breached.

1. The lighthouse compound wall
2. The main entrance
3. The compound gate


1. Ropes for scaling the West south cliff
2. Ropes for scaling the tower
3. Neutral Command Post


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