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MAPINFO FOR: snatch2
ET: snatch2

Votes: 67 Rating: 76%
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Name: Snatch! final2*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
June 1943: The Axis have a small but vital communication outpost, which controls the Blitzkrieg on all major frontlines. This outpost is equipped with the new radar technology and the Allies are planning an attack (codename: Snatch). The aim is to steal a radar part which in turn will give the Allies crucial electronical know-how. Will the Axis defend the outpost or will Operation Snatch be a success for the Allied Forces?

Primary objectives:
-Steal the Radar Parts from the radar tower.
-Steal the Truck and escape with the Radar Parts.

Secondary Objectives:
-Destroy the Main Gate.
-Construct the Command Post.
-Destroy the Axis Command Post.
-Destroy the Radio Wall.

Primary objectives:
-Stop the Allied forces from stealing the Radar Parts!
-Prevent the Allies from stealing the Truck!
-Prevent the Allies from escaping with the Truck!

Secondary objectives:
-Prevent the Allies from detroying the Main Gate.
-Destroy the Allied Command Post.
-Construct the Command Post.
-Prevent the Allies from detroying the Radio Wall.

Bug Fixes in this version since the Snatch.pk3 release (2006-05-18):

01. Removed 2:nd spawn for Axis and fixed spawning.
02. Updated command post script for Allies
03. Allies can now choose spawn point once comm post is built, default is the command post until truck has passed the main gate. If the truck has passed the main gate, Axis destroyed the Allied command post and Allies rebuild it they will spawn at their initial spawn but have the option to use the command post spawn.
04. Fixed the flying stairs ;)
05. Updated tcMod for the terrain
06. Made the previously Axis only door near Axis command post available to both teams.

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