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MAPINFO FOR: mt_whoverest_b4_6
ET: mt_whoverest_b4_6

Votes: 10 Rating: 65%
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(show servers with mt_whoverest_b4_6)
Name: Mt. Whoverest beta4.6*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
- Recover the stolen documents hidden deep within the allied outpost.
- Capture the forward spawn.
- Construct a command post.
- Destroy the main door.
- Destroy the vent grill.
- Open the electric doors by re-wiring the control panel.
- Prevent the allies from building a command post and destroy it if they suceed.

- Prevent axis from stealing some documents.
- Defend the forward spawn.
- Prevent the construction of the axis command post.
- Protect the main door from axis engineers.
- Ensure that the axis cannot destroy the vent access grill.
- Maintain the control panel and re-wire it incase axis manage to jam the electric doors open.
- Build a command post.


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