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MAPINFO FOR: et_mor2_snow
ET: et_mor2_snow

Votes: 9 Rating: 86%
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(show servers with et_mor2_snow)
Name: Marrakech Streets 2 - Snow final
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
An abandoned area on the outskirts of Marrakech is being used by the Axis top scientists to test top secret new weaponary. Battle rages through this abandoned area as Allied Special Forces attempt a suprise attack on the town's garrison and try to steal the plans before Axis re-enforcements can arrive.

- Don't let the Allies get the tank over the barriers.
- Protect the town's front gate.
- Secure the back door area.
- Prevent the Allies from stealing the documents.
- Get the documents back to the lab.

- Build the bridge over the barriers and get the tank over to the front gate.
- Blow open the town's front gate.
- Dynomite the back door.
- Steal the documents from the lab.
- Escape the town with the documents.


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