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MAPINFO FOR: axislab_final
ET: axislab_final

Votes: 299 Rating: 71%
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Name: Axis Lab final*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
Allied command has recently learned of a Nazi top-secret nuclear weapons development lab hidden under a farm by Innsbruck Austria, where the germans are keeping their prototype of a nuclear bomb. The mission is to infiltrate the facility by night, and escort the nuke out of the facility.

1 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies from dynamiting and gaining access to the lab.
2 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies repairing the truck and escorting it to the hilltop.
3 Primary Objective: **Prevent the Allies from accessing the elevator by destroying the elevator generator.
4 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies from destroying the door to the nuke.
5 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies from taking the nuke.
6 Primary Objective: **Prevent the Allies from escaping with the nuke in the truck.
7 Secondary Objective: **Set up a Command Post inside the radio room.
8 Secondary Objective: **Prevent the Allies from building a Command Post.

1 Primary Objective: **Plant dynamite at the entrances to gain access to the lab.
2 Primary Objective: **Repair and escort the truck to the hilltop.
3 Primary Objective: **Repair the Elevator Generator to escort the nuke out of the lab.
4 Primary Objective: **Dynamite the door to the nuke.
5 Primary Objective: **Move the nuke into the elevator and then to the truck waiting on the hilltop.
6 Primary Objective: **Escort the truck and the nuke safely to the allied lines.
7 Secondary Objective: **Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the radio room.
8 Secondary Objective: **Build a Command Post in the West Cabin.


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