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Rating = 0.649536
# Game Map Total Time Rating Time Proportional Time (in %) Rating Games Last Seen
1 RtCW Communique (Base) 5.1 days 2.9 days 95.7% 16.25 408 29d
  (5.3 days) 2.9 days  
14 map(s) are hidden Show all maps.
Useful links: Signature-Generator
Startzeit Game Map Server Name Score Per Minute Ping Session Length Flags Rating
Oct 03 2024 at 23:25 ET etl_supply
-   16.5 min
  -> Details
Oct 03 2024 at 23:10 ET fa_bremen_final
193 (16.08 ppm) 50 ms 15 min
  -> Details
Oct 03 2024 at 23:06 ET Fuel Dump official
41 (13.67 ppm) 49 ms 3.5 min
  -> Details

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