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Rating = 14.5581
# Game Map Total Time Rating Time Proportional Time (in %) Rating Games Last Seen
1 ET Fuel Dump official 20.6 hrs 19.4 hrs 12.5% 17.16 81 16h
2 ET Gold Rush GALS final* 27.5 hrs 19.5 hrs 16.7% 16.4 89 15h
3 ET Rail Gun official 15 hrs 14.1 hrs 9.1% 15.86 77 17h
4 ET SW Battery final* 11.7 hrs 9.4 hrs 7.1% 15.78 64 17h
5 ET SW Siwa Oasis TE beta3* 22.9 hrs 21 hrs 13.9% 14.79 88 16h
6 ET Würzburg Radar official 13.1 hrs 12.6 hrs 7.9% 14.33 55 17h
7 ET etl_supply 8.5 hrs 7.8 hrs 5.1% 12.5 35 16h
8 ET Venice final* 8.4 hrs 8.1 hrs 5.1% 12.33 25 4d
9 ET radar_truck 9.5 hrs 8.7 hrs 5.7% 11.25 33 4d
11 ET C2 Missile beta3* 7 hrs 5.6 hrs 4.2% 9.38 28 5d
  (6.9 days) 6 days  
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